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n.BA.LM.AMP.21HS (Agricultural Markets and Procurement) 
Modul: Agricultural Markets and Procurement
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 29.03.2025
Agricultural Markets and Procurement


Version: 4.0 gültig ab 01.08.2023


Studiengang  Lebensmitteltechnologie
Geltende Rechtsordnung  RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Lebensmitteltechnologie
  Pflichtmodul X Wahlpflichtmodul   Wahlmodul
Plansemester  4. oder 6 Semester
Modulverantwortliche/r  Anja Schnyder
Telefon / E-Mail  +41 (0)58 934 50 65 / anja.schnyder@zhaw.ch
Beteiligte Mitarbeitende und Lehrbeauftragte 
  • Anja Schnyder
  • Jason Roger Parry
  • Sonja Trachsel
  • Lectures from partner universities
  • External speakers
Vorausgesetzte Module  Management, Marketing und Kommunikation
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen  Professional competences:
The students …
  • can describe the different characteristics and constraints of important agricultural markets.  
  • can describe key aspects of a sustainable food chain.   
  • can analyze product differentiation situations, the corresponding transaction costs and the impact on the processor’s procurement options.  
  • understand, represent, and analyze concrete food value chain cases.  
  • can discuss the impacts of food value chains and solutions for sustainable food chains.
Interdisciplinary competences:
The students …
  • can approach issues from an international perspective and understand the importance of contacts.
  • can use new contacts.
  • are skilled at dealing with cultural diversity (are culturally sensitive) in an international / intercultural context, and are open, respectful, and curious.
  • can communicate effectively in an international / intercultural business administration setting.
  • can engage in self-organized teamwork. 
  • can recognize cultural differences within and between organizations, in an international context.
  • can systematically shape their own development based on reflection on themselves and their actions in an internationally oriented environment.
Inhalt des Moduls Agricultural markets:
  • Examples of agricultural commodities and their characteristics
  • The environment of important agricultural markets in Switzerland/Europe/worldwide
  • Characteristics of a sustainable food value chain
  • Structure and function of selected agricultural markets
  • Agricultural market equilibrium  
  • Megatrends and requirements for procurement
  • Strategic and operational procurement processes
  • Procurement management and controlling
  • Supplier selection for new raw materials
  • Management of suppliers for existing raw materials
  • Differences in supplier relationships (partnerships versus top-down relationships)
Anschlussmodule Marketing and Sales in Food
  • Theory inputs
  • Case studies in virtual teams
  • Coaching sessions
  • E-Learning
Digitale Lernressourcen 
  • Screencasts
  • Padlet
  • MS Teams and/or Zoom
  • Moodle
Unterrichtsgliederung / Gesamtaufwand   
 Kontaktstudium 15
 Begleitetes Selbststudium 15
 Autonomes Selbststudium 90
 Total Workload 120
Präsenzverpflichtung im Unterricht  Kick-off meetings (phase 1 and phase 2), external expert inputs, final meetings (phase 1 and phase 2)
Leistungsnachweise  Erfahrungsnote (100 %): Assessment of a range of activities completed throughout the course of the semester (individual work plus teamwork)
Unterrichtssprache  English
Bemerkungen  This module is set up as a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) module.

Details on the involved partner universities and the module outline will be given every year shortly before the start of the module.

As part of the module, joint attendance days may take place with the foreign university partner(s). For this purpose, ZHAW students may travel abroad, or foreign students may come to the ZHAW. The cost contribution for travel & accommodation, which ZHAW students must cover themselves in the event of a trip abroad, is 200-300 sFr.

This module is part of the specialisation in Food Management & Sustainability but can also be joined by students who have chosen one of the other two specialisations in the degree programme.



Kurs: Agricultural Markets and Procurement
Agricultural Markets and Procurement


  • Für das Stichdatum 29.03.2025 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.