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n.MA.PR.AFP1.22FS (Agro Food Project 1 – Vision and Proposal) 
Modul: Agro Food Project 1 – Vision and Proposal
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 28.03.2025
Agro Food Project 1 – Vision and Proposal


Version: 3.0 gültig ab 01.02.2023


Degree Program  MSc in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems
Workload 120h
Module Coordinator Thorsten Merkle
Lecturers Thorsten Merkle and various lecturers
Entry Requirements Students should be able to:
  • read and understand scientific literature and apply it to the material covered in the module.
  • reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in the context of different types of preneurship (intra-, entre-, commonpreneur) and be aware of necessary complementary skills within their team.
  • outline value networks using examples and identify potential opportunities for regeneration.
  • identify the problems and challenges associated with the sustainable development of traditional linear value chains and identify network approaches for the development of regenerative systems (involving ZHAW research groups, business partners or their own innovative approaches).
  • understand the purpose and the use of various innovation methods.
Learning Outcome and  Competences Students will be able to:
  • apply innovation methods using co-working and co-creation approaches to identify and formulate solutions for regenerative business models within the agro food industry.
  • determine and plan development and testing approaches for their project.
  • effectively manage their project in teams, obtain and reflect on feedback from their mentors and peers and, where appropriate, incorporate this into their proposal.
  • develop and communicate a vision and proposal for their project.
  • present and defend their project proposal in front of a heterogeneous audience.
Module Content Students learn methods for identifying and formulating questions and solutions for innovative business models in the agro food industry. They develop a vision and a proposal for their project based on their interests and skills, then present and defend them accordingly.
Teaching / Learning Methods
  • Workshops
  • Group work (including presentation)
  • Reflection
  • Mentoring discussions
  • Lectures
  • Case-related field research / excursions
Assessment of Learning
Performance grade 100%:
  • Written documentation of the Agro Food Project vision and proposal 70%
  • Oral presentation of the Agro Food Project vision and proposal 30%
In case of failed assessment, the following options are possible:
1. The failed assessments may be resubmitted (in case of written work and grade between 3.5 and 3.99) or a supplementary examination can be carried out (in case of oral assessment). Counts as first attempt.
2. The failed assessments can be repeated the next time they are scheduled in the regular timetable. Counts as second attempt.
Bibliography -
Language English
Comments Follow-up Modules: Agro Food Project 2, Agro Food Project 3, Agro Food Project 4



Kurs: Agro Food Project 1 – Vision and Proposal
Agro Food Project 1 – Vision and Proposal


  • Für das Stichdatum 28.03.2025 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.