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n.MA.PR.AFP3.23FS (Agro Food Project 3 – Business Model Development: Prototyping, Impact and Finance) 
Modul: Agro Food Project 3 – Business Model Development: Prototyping, Impact and Finance
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 29.03.2025
Agro Food Project 3 – Business Model Development: Prototyping, Impact and Finance


Version: 3.0 gültig ab 01.02.2024


Degree Program MSc in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems
Workload 210h
Module Coordinator Thorsten Merkle
Lecturers Thorsten Merkle, internal lecturers, external experts, mentors
Entry Requirements Students should be able to
  • be aware of different prototyping methods and their suitability for a project.
  • use suitable qualitative and quantitative methods to examine markets, and critically interpret their findings.
  • reflect on innovation plans in terms of customer benefits and effectively communicate them to target audiences.
  • formulate impact-oriented corporate and business field strategies.
  • integrate sustainability and impact assessment methodologies into innovation projects and understand impact targets as innovation potential.
  • apply selected financial management and analysis methods and evaluate the financial model in relation to the business plan.
  • integrate selected financing methods and instruments for various forms of organisation into the own business plan.
Learning Outcome and  Competences Students will be able to
  • select and apply prototyping methods on a project-specific basis.
  • communicate business model prototypes to stakeholders and test market responses using appropriate methods.
  • further develop business models based on findings from prototyping and testing and re-evaluate them to achieve the desired impact.
  • select and reflect on appropriate methods to implement the resulting findings.
  • communicate effectively in a range of different situations.
  • apply methods for creating a financial plan for their business model, reflect on the results and optimise their model accordingly.
Module Content In this module, students continue their Agro Food Project and develop prototypes that are communicated to stakeholders and tested for their market response. The insights gained are then used to further develop the project, evaluating the impact of any changes. In addition to project-specific methods, students also learn to create a financial plan, apply it to their business model and adapt it accordingly.
Teaching / Learning Methods
  • Workshops
  • Group work
  • Reflection
  • Coaching discussions
  • Mentoring discussions
  • Lectures
Assessment of Learning
Performance Grade 100%

In case of failed assessment, the following options are possible:
1. The failed assessments may be resubmitted (in case of written work and grade between 3.5 and 3.99) or a supplementary examination can be carried out (in case of oral assessment). Counts as first attempt.
2. The failed assessments can be repeated the next time they are scheduled in the regular timetable. Counts as second attempt.
Bibliography -
Language English
Comments Follow-up Module: Agro Food Project 4



Kurs: Agro Food Project 3 – Business Model Development: Prototyping, Impact and Finance
Agro Food Project 3 – Business Model Development: Prototyping, Impact and Finance


  • Für das Stichdatum 29.03.2025 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.