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n.BA.LM.CaCoNu.22HS (Case Study Consumer and Nutrition) 
Modul: Case Study Consumer and Nutrition
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 29.03.2025
Case Study Consumer and Nutrition


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2022


Studiengang  Lebensmitteltechnologie
Geltende Rechtsordnung  RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Lebensmitteltechnologie
  Pflichtmodul X Wahlpflichtmodul   Wahlmodul
Plansemester  6. Semester
Modulverantwortliche/r  Beatrice Baumer
Telefon / E-Mail  +41 (0)58 934 57 08 / beatrice.baumer@zhaw.ch
Beteiligte Mitarbeitende und Lehrbeauftragte 
  • Christine Brombach
  • Janice Sych
  • Annette Bongartz
  • And other lecturers
Vorausgesetzte Module  All Modules of the Minor «Consumer Science & Nutrition»
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen  Professional competences:
The students can …
  • apply different methods and use theoretical aspects and methodologies, from the area of nutrition, consumer science, as well as other (e.g. data analysis) to solving specific cases studies in this area.
  • select and plan appropriate studies (protocols).
  • execute their study, including data collection, analysis, and discussion.
Interdisciplinary competences:
The students can …
  • exercise critical thinking skills.
  • integrate their acquired knowledge in ethical considerations about the role of consumer science and nutritional sciences research methods and outcomes in a societal and global context.
Inhalt des Moduls In groups students will work on current issues in the field of consumer science and nutrition. They will apply the acquired theoretical basis by solving specific research questions (case studies). This might mean conducting a dietary assessment, qualitative and quantitative tests, consumer tests with food, secondary data analysis with existing data sets, or calculating nutrient profiles etc. In all cases collected data must be analysed and used to present feasible practical and/or best practice solutions for the assigned research question (case study).
Anschlussmodule -
Unterrichtsmethoden  Case studies, with regular meetings in seminar style
Digitale Lernressourcen  Moodle
Unterrichtsgliederung / Gesamtaufwand   
 Kontaktstudium 14
 Begleitetes Selbststudium 36
 Autonomes Selbststudium 10
 Total Workload 60
Präsenzverpflichtung im Unterricht  Mandatory attendance for all seminar activities, practical work and for regular meetings with the assigned coach
Leistungsnachweise  Erfahrungsnote (100%): Group presentation and final report, which includes group and individually assigned tasks
Unterrichtssprache  Deutsch / English
Bemerkungen  -



Kurs: Case Study Consumer and Nutrition
Case Study Consumer and Nutrition


  • Für das Stichdatum 29.03.2025 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.