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s.BA.SA.ES-EFSW-0.19HS (ES English for Social Work) 
Modul: ES English for Social Work
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 25.10.2024
ES English for Social Work
SB Bachelor


Version: 7.0 gültig ab 01.02.2025
Fachbereich Departement Soziale Arbeit
Studiengang Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit
Modulniveau Intermediate
Modultyp Related
Angebot Herbst- und Frühlingssemester
Keywords Reading, listening and speaking skills, social work in English-speaking areas, International Social Work
Workload (in Stunden)
Kontaktstudium 24                                        
Begleitetes Selbststudium 18
Autonomes Selbststudium 18
Gesamt 60
Verantwortliche Ansprechperson
Telefon / E-Mail
Michael Simpson
Kompetenzen Fachwissen:
W1: Gesellschaft, politische Rahmenbedingungen, gesellschaftliche Teilsysteme und nationale sowie internationale Kontexte Sozialer Arbeit
Sozial- und Selbstkompetenzen:
S2: Fähigkeit zur Gestaltung sozialer Interaktion und Kommunikation in der Sozialen Arbeit
S4: Fähigkeit zum Umgang mit Diversität und Heterogenität in der Sozialen Arbeit
The students
  • can communicate (present, inform, exchange opinions and facts, research) using authentic professional English.
  • are able to read, understand & discuss English related to social work.
  • can compare institutions and policies indifferent cultures.
Lerninhalte (Abstract) English keeps our finger on the pulse of social change, it helps us to collaborate globally, and it supports our clients from marginalized groups. In a relaxed atmosphere, we’ll optimize our skills using video, audio and text from around the world. We'll compare social work experiences between continents, sometimes with guest lectures (professionals from the USA, the UK and Kosovo have already joined us). We’ll be given creative freedom to explore the social topics we love, and share them with an intimate, supportive class. We’ll collect personalized feedback, and collaborate on a unique vocabulary stash. We’ll be even more confident for English research, study weeks, and exchange semesters. We’ll put our language to work.
Leistungsnachweis(e) Two vocabulary quizzes (repeatable), oral presentation 
Bibliografie Extracts from the following book may be used in class. Buying it is not necessary. 

Grobman, L. M. (2019). Days in the Lives of Social
Workers (5th ed.). Harrisburg PA: New Social Worker Press.
Bemerkungen The average level of English is between B2 (upper intermediate) to C1 (advanced), and students from B1 (lower intermediate) to native speakers also enjoy this class.


Kurs: ES English for Social Work
ES English for Social Work


  • Für das Stichdatum 01.08.2099 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.