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s.BA.SA.ES-INDA-0.19HS (ES International Social Work - Exchange with Christ University (CU) Bangalore, India (abroad)) 
Modul: ES International Social Work - Exchange with Christ University (CU) Bangalore, India (abroad)
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 25.10.2024
ES International Social Work - Exchange with Christ University (CU) Bangalore, India (abroad)
SB Bachelor


Version: 7.0 gültig ab 01.02.2025
Fachbereich Departement Soziale Arbeit
Studiengang Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit
Modulniveau Intermediate
Modultyp Related
Angebot Herbstsemester
Keywords Social work in India, Internationality, Interculturality
Workload (in Stunden)
Kontaktstudium 48                                        
Begleitetes Selbststudium 36
Autonomes Selbststudium 36
Gesamt 120
Verantwortliche Ansprechperson
Telefon / E-Mail
Esther Bussmann, Dipl. SA FH
+41 58 934 89 82 / esther.bussmann@zhaw.ch
Kompetenzen Fachwissen:
W1: Gesellschaft, politische Rahmenbedingungen, gesellschaftliche Teilsysteme und nationale sowie internationale Kontexte Sozialer Arbeit
W4: Soziale Probleme, sozialer Wandel und soziale Ungleichheit im Fokus Sozialer Arbeit
W5: Handlungsfelder und Adressat:innen der Sozialen Arbeit
F1: Fähigkeit zur Reflexion verschiedener Wissensbestände der Sozialen Arbeit
Sozial- und Selbstkompetenz:
S4: Fähigkeit zum Umgang mit Diversität und Heterogenität in der Sozialen Arbeit
S5: Fähigkeit zur Selbstreflexion in der Sozialen Arbeit
Lernziele The students
  • are able to interact with different actors on a common issue of social work and compare the differences between India and Switzerland.
  • are able to come to conclusions by looking at the common topic from the respective cultural, political and institutional perspectives.
  • are experienced in discussing and working on issues of social work from an international perspective.
  • are able to present and translate the way of thinking and functioning of the local learning community and to discuss with students and lecturers of the School of Social Work.
Lerninhalte (Abstract) Discussions of social work issues from the respective cultural, political and institutional perspectives. The main topic «social work in India» allows gaining general insights in the Indian field of activity and its specific characteristic.
They look at selected aspects and debates of the respective countries in general as well as selected topics. The students will also visit different institutions in India, which illustrate the social welfare system and related welfare programs. They will get the opportunity to interact with professionals in social work and take a good look at the Indian field of activity and social work, as well as research, strategic approaches and interventions. 
Besides the professional exchange the students have the opportunity to stay on campus and get to know more about the Indian culture and way of living.
The seminar will take place together with BSc and MSc students; collaboration between students is part of the learning content.
Leistungsnachweis(e) Oral presentation, compulsory attendance
Bibliografie Krack, R. (2013). Kulturschock Indien. Bielefeld: Reise Know-
Riedi, A. M., Zwilling, M., Meier Kressig, M., Benz Bartoletta, P. &
Aebi Zindel, D. (Hrsg.). (2015). Handbuch Sozialwesen Schweiz (2. Aufl.). Bern: Haupt.
  • Maximum number of participants: 8 
  • The seminar lasts 11 days, from January 23 - February 2, 2025 (travelling to be included)
  • Share of expenses for exchange programme and accommodation: approx. CHF 600 (may vary slightly due to programme adaptions in India).
  • Travel expenses (flight approx. CHF 600-700) and meals are at the cost of the participants
  • Details about costs and travel data will be clarified and communicated before WEVAS


Kurs: ES International Social Work - Exchange with Christ University (CU) Bangalore, India (abroad)
ES International Social Work - Exchange with Christ University (CU) Bangalore, India (abroad)


  • Für das Stichdatum 01.08.2099 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.