s.MA.SA.SRI.19HS (Study trip to India (Bangalore)) 
Module: Study trip to India (Bangalore)
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Study trip to India (Bangalore)


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.
Course: Exchange with India
Exchange with India
Organised by
SM Master Social Work
Language of instruction


Version: 8.0 start 01 August 2024
Modultitel / Abkürzung Exchange with India / SRI
Art des Modules Profilbildungsmodul, Wahlpflichtmodul
ECTS 3 ECTS-Credits (Workload: 90 Stunden)
Sprache Englisch
Angebot Herbstsemester
Workload 90 Stunden
Inhalt Discussions of social work issues from the respective cultural, political and institutional perspectives. The main topic “social work in India” allows gaining general insights in the Indian field of activity and its specific characteristic.
They look at selected aspects and debates of the respective countries in general as well as selected topics. The students will also gain insight in the Indian social welfare system and the Indian field of activity and social work, as well as research, strategic approaches and interventions.
The modul will take place together with BSc- and MSc-students; the collaboration between the students is part of the learning content.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Darf zu jedem Zeitpunkt im Studium belegt werden
Verantwortliche Ansprechpersonen Renate Stohler, renate.stohler@zhaw.ch
Esther Bussmann, esther.bussmann@zhaw.ch
Kompetenzen Methodenkompetenzen:
  • M3: Fähigkeit zur Analyse
  • M6: Fähigkeit zur Positionierung und zum Agendasetting
Sozial- und Selbstkompetenzen:
  • S1: Fähigkeit zu Kooperation und Beziehungsgestaltung
  • S2: Fähigkeit zur Gestaltung sozialer Interaktion und Kommunikation
  • S5: Fähigkeit zur Selbstreflexion
Leistungsnachweis Art des Leistungsnachweises:
  • Mündliche Präsentation (Einzel- und/oder Gruppenarbeit), Präsenzpflicht und Reflexionsarbeit (Einzelarbeit) 
Bewertung des Leistungsnachweises:
Prädikat («bestanden» / «nicht bestanden»)
Literatur Krack, R. (2013). Kulturschock Indien. Bielefeld: Reise Know-How.

Riedi, A. M., Zwilling, M., Meier Kressig, M., Benz Bartoletta, P. & Aebi Zindel, D. (Hrsg.). (2015). Handbuch Sozialwesen Schweiz. (2. Aufl.). Bern: Haupt.
  • Maximum number of MSc participants: 4
  • The seminar lasts 11 days, approx. from January 23 - February 2, 2025 (travelling to be included)
  • Share of expenses for exchange programme and accommodation: approx. CHF 600 (may vary slightly due to programme adaptions in India)
  • Travel expenses (flight approx. CHF 600-700) and meals are at the cost of the participants
