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s.BA.SA.S5-CYCS-0.21HS (S5 Child and Youth Care Services Around the World) 
Modul: S5 Child and Youth Care Services Around the World
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 25.10.2024
S5 Child and Youth Care Services Around the World
SB Bachelor


Version: 6.0 gültig ab 01.02.2025
Fachbereich Departement Soziale Arbeit
Studiengang Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit
Modulniveau Intermediate
Modultyp Related
Angebot Herbstsemester
Keywords Child and youth care services, quality development, international social work
Workload  (in Stunden)
Kontaktstudium 24                                         
Begleitetes Selbststudium 18
Autonomes Selbststudium 18
Gesamt 60
Verantwortliche Ansprechperson
Telefon / E-Mail
Dr. Samuel Keller
+41 58 934 88 64 / samuel.keller@zhaw.ch
Kompetenzen Professional knowledge:
W1: Society, political framework conditions, social subsystems and national and international contexts of social work
W4: Social problems, social change and social inequality in the focus of social work
W5: Fields of action and addressees of social work
Professional expertise:
F1: Capability to reflect on different bodies of knowledge in social work
Social- and self-competence: 
S4: Capability of coping with diversity and heterogeneity
The students
  • are able to describe selected international trends in child and youth care services.
  • are able to recognize, describe and critically reflect diverse models and practices in out-of-home child and youth care.
  • are able to describe and discuss different approaches for improving services in out-of-home child and youth care.
  • are able to communicate and interact at eye level with international social work experts from all over the world.
  • are able to contribute their perspectives and experiences to the expert discourse and jointly reflect on relevant aspects in child and youth services.
  • are able to further enhance their command of the English language in an academic and professional context.
Lerninhalte (Abstract) This seminar is offered by the Institute of Childhood, Youth and Families in collaboration with FICE Switzerland, the International Federation of Educative Communities (www.fice.ch; www.fice-inter.net). 
Every year, a relevant topic in international child and youth care is chosen and discussed regarding current socio-pedagogical approaches and the organisational conditions necessary for their application and development. 
Experts from all around the world will present (in virtual meetings and/or as guests) their challenging experiences and innovative projects. On this basis, we will discuss challenges and possibilities of thinking “out of the box” and of implementing other ideas in different child and youth services in different countries. The members of the seminar team belong to different organisations with international backgrounds in child and youth care. Thus, they frame the topic with reference to the current international expert discourse in research and practice.
Goals of the seminar: to exeperience the spirit of international exchanges, to use English language in an error-friendly setting, to relate inputs to own experiences in the field and to bring together and to discuss main topics and international learnings in an innovative way.
Leistungsnachweis(e) Written contribution, compulsory attendance
Bibliografie Anglin, J. (2019). The Legacy of The Other 23 Hours and the
Future of Child and Youth Care. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 36(1), 27-34.
Islam, T. & Fulcher, L. (Hrsg.). (2016). Residential Child and
Youth Care in a Developing World. Capetwon: The CYC-NetPress. 
Keller, S., Oterholm, I., Paulsen, V. & van Breda, A. D. (Hrsg.).
(2023). Living on the edge: innovative research on leaving care and transitions to adulthood. Bristol: Policy Press. Available from: https://doi.org/10.56687/9781447366317
Whittaker, J.K. et al. (2016). Therapeutic Residential Care for
Children and Youth: A Consensus Statement of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 33(2), 89-106.


Kurs: S5 Child and Youth Care Services Around the World
S5 Child and Youth Care Services Around the World


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