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s.BA.SA.ES-WOTO-0.23HS (ES Working Together as Professionals in Health and Social Care in Different Countries) 
Module: ES Working Together as Professionals in Health and Social Care in Different Countries
This information was generated on: 05 December 2024
ES Working Together as Professionals in Health and Social Care in Different Countries
Organised by
SB Bachelor
Language of instruction


Version: 2.0 start 01 February 2025
Fachbereich Departement Soziale Arbeit
Studiengang Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit
Modulniveau Intermediated
Modultyp Related
Angebot Herbstsemester
Keywords Interprofessional Collaboration, Social Care, Health Care, International Comparison of Welfare Systems
Workload  (in Stunden)
Kontaktstudium 24                  
Begleitetes Selbststudium 18
Autonomes Selbststudium 18
Gesamt 60
Verantwortliche Ansprechperson
Telefon / E-Mail
Esther Bussmann, Dipl. SA FH
+41 58 934 89 82 / esther.bussmann@zhaw.ch
Kompetenzen Professional knowledge:
W1: Society, political framework conditions, social subsystems and national and international contexts of social work
Professional expertise:
F1: Capability to reflect on different bodies of knowledge in social work
F2: Capability to use different bodies of knowledge in social work
Methodical expertise: 
M1: Capability to design processes and develop concepts in social work
Social- and self-competence: 
S1: Capability to cooperate and build relationships in social work
S5: Capability of self-reflection
The students
  • are able to describe the organisation of the social and health care system in their country and make themselves understood with students of other health and social profession from other countries.
  • are able to discuss similarities and differences of the presented social and health care systems using a systematic approach.
  • are able to distinguish different types of interprofessional collaboration within selected social and health care institutions.
  • are able to reflect the interprofessional cooperation in their own professional field of work.
Lerninhalte (Abstract) Students of ZHAW (School of Health Professions and School of Social Work) will meet online in order to exchange professional skills and ideas. The focal point of the week (Monday-Friday) will be discussing and working the problems concerning the subject of interprofessional cooperation within the broad field of health and social care. Lecturers and students will present the organisation of the health and social system in their own country including case studies, which allows discussing and reflecting different interprofessional methods. Virtual insights into organizations at the interface of the health and social care system in Switzerland and abroad will provide us with an insight into interprofessional approaches and challenges in practise. 
Leistungsnachweis(e) Oral Presentation, Compulsory Attendance
Bibliografie Reeves, S., Lewin, S., Espin, S. & Zwarenstein, M. (2010).
Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bemerkungen This course lasts from Monday to Friday (Online). If you choose this course, we do not recommend to choose also the course “Study visits to Swiss Health and Social Care Institutions”.




  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.