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l.BA.KM.ENGF.24HS (English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track)) 
Modul: English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track)
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 10.02.2025
English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track)
LMB Bachelor-Studiengang Kommunikation und Medien
Erwartete Gesamtarbeitszeit
Total120.00 h


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2024
Kursbezeichnung Gewichtung
English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track) 100%

Kurs: English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track)
English for Communication and Media Studies (fast track)
LMB Bachelor-Studiengang Kommunikation und Medien
Erwartete Gesamtarbeitszeit
Total120.00 h


Version: 2.0 gültig ab 01.08.2024
  • Attitudes:
    Students recognize that to effectively read texts in English they need to do more than understand the individual words. They appreciate the need to differentiate between reading for key ideas and reading for details and information. Students gain critical awareness of how English writing is governed by specific organizational patterns and that different contexts demand different language registers. They recognize that self-reflection is part of the learning process, that online tools can and should be used to enhance their language acquisition, and that vocabulary only carries meaning in context.
  • Knowledge:
    Students gain knowledge of a variety of reading strategies for effective reading. Students understand the difference between summarizing a text and commenting, reporting, or similar on it. They understand the importance of clear organization of ideas and how cohesive devices, signposting language, and overall organizational features help achieve this (both in writing and orally). Students understand that using interactive language is crucial to discussing ideas substantively. Students know how to revise and expand upon their media- and communications-related vocabulary and knowledge of grammar structures at upper B2-level.
  • Skills:
    Students can use critical reading strategies to recognize main and key supporting ideas (as opposed to details) in authentic media- and communications-related texts. They can summarize key ideas from various source materials in organized, cohesive writing, using upper B2-level English.
    Students can speak with ease about a range of media- and communications-related topics and use signposting language to present and develop their ideas effectively. They can use interactive language strategies to effectively engage with others and exchange ideas on media- and communications-related topics.
    Students can use English at upper B2-level and use topic-specific vocabulary related to media and communications and/or they know where to go to continue to work on this. 
Lerninhalte The following content will be worked on:

Reading skills:
  • Reading strategies; reading for main ideas versus details

Writing skills:
  • Coherence / cohesion
  • Textual organization
  • Precision, concision
  • Appropriate register
  • Summarizing 
Oral skills:
  • Presenting and developing ideas
  • Signposting language
  • Interactive skills / language 
Vocabulary and grammar:
  • Vocabulary building strategies; vocabulary (in context)
  • Grammar structures (B2+ level and higher); grammar (in context)
  • Effective use of online tools for language acquisition 
Semesterwochenlektionen 4
Leistungsnachweis Oral assessment during the semester weeks
15 - 20 minutes
Closed book
Written exam during exam weeks:
90 minutes
Closed book
Assessment: Grades
Kursunterlagen see Moodle