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l.BA.KM.ENGR1.24HS (English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1) 
Modul: English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 10.02.2025
English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1
LMB Bachelor-Studiengang Kommunikation und Medien
Erwartete Gesamtarbeitszeit
Total60.00 h


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2024
Kursbezeichnung Gewichtung
(English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1 100%

Kurs: English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1
English for Communication and Media Studies (regular track) 1
LMB Bachelor-Studiengang Kommunikation und Medien
Erwartete Gesamtarbeitszeit
Total60.00 h


Version: 2.0 gültig ab 01.08.2024
  • Attitudes:
    Students recognize that understanding and being able to use English effectively demands more than the ability to understand individual words. They appreciate the need to focus on reading for key ideas rather than details and information. They recognize that English language acquisition involves independent work on fluency and accuracy, and that improvement of active language skills can only happen through active language use. They appreciate that online tools can and should be used to enhance their language acquisition, but that a level of language knowledge is needed in order to use these tools effectively. Students realize that context is key.
  • Knowledge:
    Students gain knowledge of a variety of reading strategies for effective reading. They understand the importance of the clear organization of ideas and how signposting language helps achieve this. They understand that using interactive language is crucial to discussing ideas substantively. Students know how to revise and develop their knowledge of media- and communications-related vocabulary and grammar structures at B2-level. They know how to work on accuracy versus fluency and they understand how to start using online tools to support their own language acquisition.
  • Skills:
    Students can use effective reading strategies to read and understand a range of authentic media- and communications-related texts. They can summarize ideas from various source materials and present these ideas orally.
    Students can present and develop ideas orally using signposting language. They can speak with greater ease about various media- and communications related topics and exchange ideas with others on these topics.Students can use English at B2-level and/or they know where to go to continue to work on this (i.e. they have the language abilities and the skills for working with language learning resources that are necessary to do this).
Lerninhalte The following content will be worked on:
  • Reading strategies
  • Developing writing skills
  • Developing accuracy versus fluency
  • Grammar revision up to B2 level
  • Applied grammar
  • Online learning resources
  • Vocabulary in context / vocabulary building
  • Presenting ideas—organization and signposting
  • Discussing ideas and information—interactive skills
Semesterwochenlektionen 2
Leistungsnachweis Formative assessment during the semester weeks
Kursunterlagen see Moodle