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n.MA.ENR.ExtMT.24HS (Extended Master Thesis) 
Modul: Extended Master Thesis
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 06.02.2025
Extended Master Thesis


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2024
Degree Program
MSc in Environment and Natural Resources
1'350 h

The module consists of four courses (Milestone 1, 2, 3 and 4) which can be taken either in two semesters (full-time) or over several semesters (part-time).
Module Coordinator
Dirk Steuerwald
Institute of Natural Resouce Sciences and degree programme partner institution tutors.
Entry Requirements
Students should be able to:
  • explain in detail, deliver presentations on and apply the specialist knowledge and research methods covered in "Research Methods" and in either "Project Work in Research Group 1" or "Project Work in Research Group 2" modules,
  • critically examine and discuss the key perspectives and schools of thought in their subject area, in the context of broader societal issues.
Students must have:
  • successfully completed the module “Research Methods” with a grade 5 or better.
Learning Outcome and Competences
Students will be able to:
  • independently develop ideas and concepts for solving scientific problems.
  • independently plan, carry out and evaluate academic work in their subject area.
  • independently develop ideas and concepts for solving scientific problems.
  • independently apply complex research methodology relevant to their discipline over an extended period of time (e.g. two vegetation periods) and competently document research results.
  • independently apply and further develop suitable scientific methods, even in new, unfamiliar and interdisciplinary contexts.
  • document their academic research work in a written document meeting the scientific standards relevant to their discipline, e.g. an article manuscript and deliver an oral presentation in a competent and expert manner.
Module Content
As part of the Master Thesis, students expand and deepen their specialist knowledge of their discipline to an expert level and use this knowledge to produce a complete scientific paper which includes a defined research component. They become professionals who can independently plan, conduct and evaluate research projects.

The Master Thesis includes
  • independent, scientific work
  • largely independent research activities
  • formulating and investigating working hypotheses and research questions
  • academic writing with a focus on the research community as a target audience
  • combining specialist knowledge and complex research methodologies
Milestone 1 Course Choice of topic and disposition include choosing a topic, delivering a disposition presentation, and submitting a written thesis disposition to Complesis
Milestone 2 Course Implementation is specifically dedicated to collecting and evaluating data, writing the thesis, etc.
Milestone 3 Course Progress Report is the written documentation of the Master Thesis progress according to the milestones defined in the disposition.
Milestone 4 Course Submission and defence include submitting a thesis to Complesis and an oral defence in front of an expert panel
Teaching / Learning Methods
  • individual and guided self-study
  • practice-oriented learning 
  • applied research in a specific subject area
Assessment of Learning
Milestone 1 course (pass/fail):
Independently developed, written research plan (disposition) and oral presentation in front of an expert panel (examined). In the event that the course is marked as failed, the work can be resubmitted (SO §11).

Milestone 2 course (pass/fail):
Execution of the thesis (not examined)

Milestone 3 course (pass/fail):
Written progress report.

Milestone 4 course (graded):
Independent, written academic work. Oral defence of thesis in front of an expert panel (two grades). The course grade is comprised of the grade for the written paper (weighted 75%) and the grade for the oral defense (weighted 25%). The thesis may be improved upon and resubmitted according to SO §11. A failed oral defence can be improved upon and repeated according to SO §12.

Course grades are rounded to the nearest quarter grade (RPO § 42).

The module is considered passed if all four courses (Milestones 1-4) are completed successfully. The course grade for Milestone 4 (RPO § 43) is used as the module grade.

If one of the courses is not passed, the first attempt of the module is failed. In this case, a second attempt can be pursued with a different topic within one year (RPO § 53).
Dependent on the topic
German or English
Details about the module and the individual contents of the Milestones can be found in the Master Thesis information sheet in the Moodle course for the Master Thesis MSc ENR.