t.BA.EU.PM2.19HS (Technology Assessment) 
Module: Technology Assessment
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Technology Assessment
Organised by


Version: 5.0 start 01 February 2025

Short description

  • Fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14040/44)
  • Application of life cycle assessment methods using a concrete case study (energy technology) with the SimaPro® software
  • Presentation of the results in a technical report and in a final presentation

Module coordinator

Zipper, Christian (zipp)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels

·       You systematically analyse and structure the given problem (life cycle assessment of an energy technology).

·       You recognize your gaps in knowledge and close them by means of efficient research and independent acquisition of knowledge.

·       You apply the acquired methodological knowledge (method of life cycle assessment and life cycle assessment software) in a concrete project.

·       You draw correct conclusions and conclusions from the data, interpret the results of the life cycle assessment, compare them with other energy technologies and explain the differences.

·       You interpret and use non-textual information (graphs, tables, schemes, etc.) correctly.

·       You present your results in linguistically correct technical reports appropriate to the target group, observing the most important rules of scientific writing (especially correct source references, transparent and comprehensible argumentation).

·       You present the results of the Life Cycle Assessment in a targeted (address-oriented) oral manner in English.


F, M K3 - K6

·       You define the project, manage it according to plan, and deal with variances.

·       You plan the use of resources, the deadlines with milestones and responsibilities, as well as project communication and set appropriate priorities.

·       You meet the deadlines of the project plan and deliver the agreed results.

M, SO K5

·       You describe the rules and success factors of teamwork and apply them.

·       You are actively and constructively involved in project meetings. In particular, You recognize problems in the team or project and address them constructively.

·       You make a fair and transparent allocation of roles within the team.

·       You reflect on your own behaviour and actions in relation to the role.

·       You express constructive criticism (positive and negative feedback).

·       You accept criticism and analyse its relevance.

·       You address conflicts and deal with them in a solution-oriented way.

SO, SE K5, K6
  • You explain how technology assessment methods can be used to assess the timeframe of the conversion of energy systems, to predict the consequences of today's actions and to identify options for action.
F K3

Module contents

Basic principles of various life cycle assessment methods (ISO 14040/44; UBP; ReCiPe)

Application of life cycle assessment methods to a concrete case study using the software SimaPro®  

Reflection on the results of the life cycle assessment (sensitivity analysis)

Presentation of the results of the life cycle assessment in a technical report (in English) and in a final oral presentation (also in English)

Teaching materials

Slides and supplementary documents available on learning platform (Moodle, etc.)

Supplementary literature

References to supplementary literature during lessons


Energy Efficiency and Policy (EnEP, SG EU 1st Semester)

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 4
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester 2 Technical Reports (English or German) written 2 technical reports; (each ca. 5-15 A4 pages) graded R1: 50%
R2: 30%
= total 80%
Graded assignments during teaching semester Presentation of results (English) oral 10-20 min graded 20%
Assignments during teaching semester LogMeetings and LogNotes (in English) written / oral 1-2 times for 15-30 min not graded --
Assignments during teaching semester Key Findings (in English) written approx. 1/4 A4 page not graded --



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Technology Assessment - Praktikum
Technology Assessment - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.