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t.BA.XX.DB.19HS (Database) 
Module: Database
This information was generated on: 05 December 2024
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Version: 1.0 start 01 February 2019
Short description Basics of relational databases: relational algebra, entity-relationship design, SQL DDL/DML, efficient and correct queries in SQL, indexes, triggers, transactions/ACID
Module coordinator Braschler, Martin (bram)
Learning objectives (competencies)
Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
Understanding the basics of relational databases F K1, K2
Ability to formulate expressions of relational algebra   F K3
Ability to design and evaluate a model for a simple database application F K3, K4, (K6)
Ability to formulate efficient and correct queries in SQL      F K3, (K4)
Knowing how stored procedures and triggers work and the ability to implement solutions for small tasks in DB programming languages F K2, K3
Knowing the fundamental structure of indexes and understanding the optimization of queries by the use of indexes F K1, K2
Knowing the transaction concept and ability to describe the ACID principles F K2
Module contents Persistent storage and tailored access of data is an indispensable fundament for knowledge-intensive applications. This module presents the basics of relational database systems. The students learn how to design a database correctly, how to fill it with data and how to formulate formally correct queries on the data.
- a short introduction into the role of database systems and the basic underlying concepts (1 week)
- relational algebra, relational bags (2 weeks)
* basic operations (selection, projection, join, set operations)
* basic query patterns
* keys
- design: entitiy relationship (ER) modelling, correct ER diagrams (3 weeks)
* ER design elements
* derivation of tables from an ER design
* the notion of a correct ER diagram
* overview of the problems arising from incorrect design (normalisation theory)
- SQL (6 weeks)
* SQL DDL/DML (create tables, insert/update/delete rows)
* SQL Queries (simole queries, EXIST clause, aggregation, views)
- Database programming (1 week)
* Stored procedures
* Triggers
- Indexes (1/2 – 1 week)
* Structure and purpose of indexes
* Application
- Transactions (1/2 – 1 week)
* ACID principles
* Basics of transactions, commit, rollback
* Operational problems
Practical exercises:
- simple and complex queries, formulated in relational algebra or SQL
- design exercises (how to read a design, how to evalute a design, create an original design that conforms to a specification)
- hands-on work with a database management system (DBMS): creation of tables and SQL queries, triggers, transactions
Teaching materials Set of reference slides
Book "Datenbanktheorie" by Hanswalter Buff, ISBN 3-0344-0201-5
Supplementary literature  
Teaching language (X) German ( ) English
Part of International Profile ( ) Yes (X) No
Module structure Type 3a
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025
Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester practical exercises (with mark) written 3 practical exercises   20%
End-of-semester exam   weitten 90 minutes   80%
Legal basis The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.
Course: Datenbanken - Praktikum
Datenbanken - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.
Course: Datenbanken - Vorlesung
Datenbanken - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.