t.BA.WI.PM1.19HS (Case Studies Stock and Flow - Systems 1) 
Module: Case Studies Stock and Flow - Systems 1
This information was generated on: 25 April 2024
Case Studies Stock and Flow - Systems 1
Organised by


Version: 2.0 start 01 February 2019

Short description

Students learn to describe, experimentally investigate, analyse and model natural, technical and economic dynamic systems. They deepen their knowledge of physical and business processes, build their process thinking and analogy thinking and learn to use key computer-aided tools.

Module coordinator

Venturini Francesca (vent)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
You can apply scientific knowledge to recognize questions, to acquire new knowledge, to describe scientific / technical phenomena and to draw conclusions from evidence M K3
You are able to plan and carry out their own experiments. M K3
You can analyze and transform data sets. M, D K3
You can set up computer-aided system dynamic models and perform simulations. M, D K3
You are kwow the rules and sucess factors of copeartion in team and can apply them. M K3
You can use the working languages ​​German and English in the project context. You design oral and written communications in an appropriate and professional way. M K3
You contribute actively and constructively to project discussions. In particular, you are able to identify problems within the team or project and address them constructively. M K3
You can constructively criticize (for example by criticizing the results of the own or of other projects).  M K3
You can receive criticism and analyze its relevance (for example, by critically reflecting on and answering the assessment of fellow students and lecturers in their project work). M K3
You can implement criticism (for example by improving the criticized points in your project work).  M K3
You can describe the basics of time management. M K3
You can create a task / disposition with task analysis, objectives, procedures and corresponding sub-goals / milestones. M K3
You can create a project plan that realistically depicts the project flow, taking into account all temporal boundary conditions (e.g., study, job, private environment). M K3
You keep the deadlines of the project plan and deliver the agreed results.  M K3
You can critically reflect the goal achievement of your project.  M K3
You can make a fair and transparent distribution of roles in the team.  M K3
You can define the responsibilities and tasks associated with your role and meet them quantitatively, qualitatively and on time.  M K3
You can reflect on your own behavior and actions regarding the responsibilities of your role. M K3
You react appropriately and proactively to the unforeseen. M K3

Module contents

Project work with written and/or oral presentation

Teaching materials

Wiki, moodle page

Supplementary literature



Physics and mathematics of technical professional maturity (or equivalent level).

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 4
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester         100%
End-of-semester exam          



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.
Course: Natural and Technical Systems 1 - Praktikum
Natural and Technical Systems 1 - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.