t.BA.XXP6.PHY2.19HS (Physics 2) 
Module: Physics 2
This information was generated on: 07 October 2024
Physics 2
Organised by


Version: 4.0 start 01 February 2022

Short description

The Physics 2 module covers the basic physics and methods in the fields of electrostatics, magnetism, electromagnetism, optics and radioactivity.
Using selected examples, students learn about and employ the physics way of thinking and working as part of the engineer’s modern technical thinking.

Module coordinator

Mojca Jazbinsek (jazb)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
Overview: General physics education and the knowledge of the methods in physics are prerequisites for interdisciplinary thinking and performing of a future engineer.
Based on selected examples from nature and technology, the students learn about and employ the physics way of thinking and working as part of the engineer’s modern technical thinking.
1) The students know the definitions of basic quantities and concepts in the areas listed below and understand how these are motivated. They can distinguish between definitions and fundamental physical relationships (natural laws). F K1,K2
2) The students understand and recognize the relations between the concepts developed in 1) in different forms and can identify them. The forms include dynamic relationships, conservation laws, and geometric concepts. F K1,K2
3) The students understand the concept of analogy in physics and can exemplify it. They know the structures of conservation laws and can identify these structures in concrete physics examples. M K2,K3
4) The students can apply the knowledge and skills from 1) to 3) qualitatively and quantitatively to natural and technical phenomena. The students are able to decide, based on the particular problem statement, which methods are suitable for the analysis. (e.g. they can distinguish dynamic problems from the analysis of states). M K3,K4
5) The students understand the significance of an experiment and can evaluate it. They recognize possible disturbing effects and are able to reduce them or to consider them. They can handle data-acquisition and data-analysis tools and are able to document their activities and to interpret the results. They are able to organize themselves in a team, to communicate and to take responsibility. F,M,SO,D K2,K4,K5
6) The students understand the importance of modeling and are able to identify the application range of a model. They are able to set up their own models with analytical procedures and simulations and to implement them in suitable simulation tools. F,M,D K4
7) The students know methods for evaluating the model results and can apply these to their models. These include limit-case considerations, plausibility assessments, back-of-the-envelope calculations and the comparison with experience from technology and everyday life. M,SE K6

Module contents

  • Electrostatics: charge, Coulomb's law, electric field, potential and potential energy, analogy to gravity
  • Magnetism: magnetic field, Lorentz force, motion of charged particles in a magnetic field, sources of the magnetic field, magnetic materials, magnetic flux, induction, Lenz's law
  • Waves: a) mechanical waves: types of waves, mathematical description of a wave, the speed of a wave, reflection, transmission, interference, standing waves, b) electromagnetic waves and sources, thermal radiation, wave-particle duality
  • Optics: light as a wave, reflection, refraction, dispersion, interference, diffraction, ray optics as an example of a model reduction: mirrors and lenses
  • Radioactivity: structure and properties of the nucleus, radioactive decay, decay rate, radioactive activity and examples, alpha-, beta-, gamma-decay, interaction with matter, dose quantities, nuclear reactions and nuclear energy

Teaching materials

  • lecture notes
  • exercises and solutions
  • laboratory instructions

Supplementary literature

  • P.A. Tipler, G. Mosca, “Physik für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure“, Springer Spektrum
  • Arbeitsbuch zu Tipler/Mosca Physik, Springer Spektrum


  • Physics of the technical BMS
  • Physics and Mathematics from the first semester

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 3a
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
End-of-semester exam exam written 90 min grading min. 60 %
Mid-term exam exam written 45–90 min grading max. 20 %
Graded assignments during teaching semester laboratory reports 
optionally: Moodle-tests,
  grading extension to 100 %



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Physik 2 - Praktikum
Physik 2 - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.
Course: Physik 2 - Vorlesung
Physik 2 - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.