t.BA.IT.PM3.19HS (Software Project 3) 
Module: Software Project 3
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Software Project 3
Organised by


Version: 4.0 start 01 August 2021

Short description

Students develop a fairly large object-oriented software application. In groups, they implement a self-selected project idea from the vision through to an executable application. A predefined iterative-incremental software development process is applied (the basis of agile software development).

Module coordinator

Walter Eich (eicw)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
You can realize a larger object-oriented software application from the vision to the executable application with a given iterative-incremental software development process. F, M K3
You can independently create the development and project management artifacts defined in the software development process. F, M K3
You can plan and execute the project iteratively and risk-driven as part of a team. F, M K3
You can model, display, and communicate the created development artifacts using a standardized notation (such as UML). F, M K3
You can consistently use analysis, architecture and design patterns as well as appropriate frameworks and tools (for versioning, build, etc.). F, M K3
You can incrementally implement, test and continuously improve an object-oriented design (refactoring). F, M K3, K4
You can carry out a technical research (competition analysis, technology) and record it in accordance with standards. F, M K2, K3
You can communicate technical content orally and in writing in a way that is appropriate for the addressee. M, SO K3
You can optimally contribute your competences to a team. So K3
You can sufficiently reflect on your role in the team and develop it appropriately. SE K4

Module contents

The students develop in teams of 5 (+/-1) persons a larger software application in this module. In addition to the application of analysis and design competencies (from SWEN1), the realization and project management competencies are also practiced and the social and personal competencies are strengthened.

The ability to professionally create and carefully test larger software systems is an essential part of the realization competence.

Project management competence is needed to design work processes and, in particular, to organise one's own work and that of others. For this purpose, the ability to work in a team and the constructive examination of concepts and proposed solutions are essential. Students have learned to develop solutions, even with limited resources, that meet generally accepted quality standards and are accepted by all participants. 

The teams are randomly drawn, select a project manager and jointly develop a project idea that they want to realize. The milestones and the development and project management artifacts to be created are specified.

The students use a predefined iterative-incremental software development process (basis of agile software development) with the following predefined milestones and artifacts.

M1: Project Outline, 1 Iteration (2 weeks)
  • Evaluation: stakeholder agreement on vision, project goals and scope, agreed first phase/iteration plan, first risks identified
  • Artifacts: project outline (vision, competitor analysis, initial requirements, profitability), project management (phase/iteration plan, iteration plan, next iteration, risk list)
M2: Solution Architecture, 2 Iterations (4 weeks)
  • Evaluation: vision, goals and requirements clearly documented and stable (80%), documented and verified software architecture (with code) that meets the requirements 
  • Artifacts: use case model, domain model, non-functional requirements, software architecture, selected designs, code, project management (phase/iteration plan, iteration plans, iteration assessments, risk list)
M3: Beta Release, 3 Iterations (6 weeks)
  • Evaluation: Feature-complete, Beta-Release is stable
  • Artifacts: application (software), technical report (summary of the analysis und  the design), project management (phase/iteration plan, iteration plans, iteration assessments, risk list)
In each iteration (except the first iteration) a software increment is implemented. The results of the milestones are presented per team in the plenum. In between there are weekly status meetings per team with the lecturer.

Throughout the project, students will use version management (Git) for the code, as well as build and test tools (JUnit, Mockito).

Teaching materials

slides (only introduction), material from module SWEN1

Supplementary literature




Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 4
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester Technical reports, software written, oral - mark 100%
End-of-semester exam - - - - -



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Software-Projekt 3 - Praktikum
Software-Projekt 3 - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.