t.BA.EU.TEGK.19HS (Thermal and electrical Fundamentals of Power Plant Technology) 
Module: Thermal and electrical Fundamentals of Power Plant Technology
This information was generated on: 07 October 2024
Thermal and electrical Fundamentals of Power Plant Technology
Organised by


Version: 3.0 start 01 February 2021

Short description

This module comprises a thermal and an electrical part. The thermal part deals with the thermodynamic fundamentals of different types of thermal power plants and the function of individual system components. In the electrical part, the basics of electrical drive and generator technology are taught.

Module coordinator

Thomas Bergmann (begm)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
Students know the thermodynamic foundations for converting heat into work and can qualitatively characterize thermal energy based on the exergy and anergy content as well as quantitatively assess quality losses in energy conversion and transport processes due to the loss of exergy.
F, M K3
Students have basic knowledge of the Clausius-Rankine process and the Joule process and learn calculation methods for the design and efficiency evaluation of real power plant processes (steam power process, gas turbine process).
F, M K3
Students know the influence of thermodynamic boundary conditions on the efficiency of real steam power and gas turbine processes and technical possibilities to improve the efficiency of the processes through special process designs. They have the ability to calculate power plant processes with different circuit variants.
F, M K3
Students know the function of essential power plant components.
F K1
In addition to thermal power plants based on fossil fuels and renewable sources, the students learn about the structure and function of nuclear power plants.
F K1
Physical basics of the use of nuclear power are repeated, whereby problems of the use of nuclear power are dealt with.
F, SO K2
Students know the basic principles for the dimensioning of an electrical drive system.
You can identify the necessary specifications and apply these in a design.
F, M K3
Students have a basic knowledge of the electrical machines used in power plants They can explain their properties as generators. F K4
Students have an overview of the electrical installations of a power plant and are familiar with the most important safety aspects. F, M K2
Students know the particularities of electrical power systems with regard to their application in energy production (steam, water and wind power plants) and can outline and explain the most important structures of the constant and variable speed generators. F K2

Module contents

Thermal power plant process
  • Thermodynamic basics (thermal engine, Carnot efficiency, anergy & exergy, exergy loss, Clausius-Rankine process, Joule process)
  • Possibilities for improvement in the steam power process (steam parameters, intermediate superheater, regenerative feed water preheating)
  • Optimization of gas turbine systems (regeneration, optimal pressure ratio, multi-stage)
  • Combination of gas turbine and steam power process (GUD, STIG)
Special types of thermal power plants
  • Thermal power plants based on fossil fuels - power plant components (steam generator, condenser / cooling, turbine, exhaust gas cleaning, fuel processing)
  • Nuclear power plant (physical basics, construction of nuclear reactors / types of nuclear power plants, processing / final storage, radioactivity - problems of using nuclear power)
Electrical devices and power electronics
  • Magnetic fields in electrical devices
  • Rotating field, formation and effect
  • Structure, function and properties of synchronous and asynchronous devices
  • Function of  self-commutated conversion circuits, modulation types in power system technology
Power systems
  • Electrical and mechanical quantities
  • Calculations for dimensioning
  • Structures and their applications
  • Operating modes of power systems, their properties and settings
  • Selection, dimensioning and installation
  • Behaviour of synchronous generators on the fixed grid, synchronisation
  • Asynchronous machines as generators
  • Particularities of the cascade circuit for energy production
  • Generators with electronic power converters
Power plants
  • Electrical components of power plants
  • Introduction to switchgears and safety strategies

Teaching materials

Colotti, Alberto; Jenni, Felix: Elektrische Antriebe: Effizient bewegen und fördern. Faktor Verlag Zürich, 2014.,
Knies, Wilfried, Schierack Klaus: Elektrische Anlagentechnik. Hanser, 2012
worksheets, exercises, supplementary handouts

Supplementary literature



The course builds on knowledge of the modules FTH1, FTH2, ELHL1, ELHL2 and WSSN.

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 2a
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester Project elaboration or test written
about 4 …6 pages / 1 lesson
grade 40%
End-of-semester exam exam written
2 lessons
grade 60%



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Thermische und elektrische Grundlagen der Kraftwerkstechnik - Vorlesung
Thermische und elektrische Grundlagen der Kraftwerkstechnik - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.