t.BA.AV.SYSENG-EN.19HS (Aviation Systems Engineering) 
Module: Aviation Systems Engineering
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Aviation Systems Engineering
Organised by


Version: 3.0 start 01 February 2022

Short description

The overriding goal of the Systems Engineering module is to enable students to systematically solve problems, with the goal of achieving informed simplicity with a reasonable effort according to Pareto’s principle.

Module coordinator

Steinegger Rolf (steo)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels

Understanding the systems engineering approach according to INCOSE and ETHZ for the application of the life cycle management.

F (Expertise)

K1 to K3

Unterstanding the V-model from stake holder analysis to the commissioning and operation of a system till the end of life.

F (Expertise)

K1 to K3

Understanding and interpretation of complex literature with regard to selected tasks of systems engineering.

M (Methods)

K1 to K4

Application of basic techniques to solve simple to complex problems.

M (Methods)
SE (Self competence)

K1 to K4

Assessment of typical tasks and solutions regarding methodology and complexity.

M (Methods)
SE (Self competence)

K3 to K6

Module contents

A) Systems Engineering according to the V-model (INCOSE):
- systems life cycle management
- stakeholder analyses & technical requirements definition
- architectural design
- design implementation
- integration & interface management
- system verification and validation
- deployment and operation
B) Systems Engineering (including Project management): The students understand basic methodoly and calculation techniques for
- description, measurment and reduction of complexity of systems
- derivation and understanding of essential key figures and parameters in airline business and flight mechanics
- knowledge of basic techniques in modelling: black box, flows of materials and informations in systems a.o.
- the application of the problem-solving process in any phase of the life cycle of a system: from rough to detail; thinking in alternatives, in a networked fashion and beyond bounderies; anticipation of changes over time - including a systemic approach for the synthesis of solutions and their assessment
- scientific approach including ceteris paribus (all other things being equal) a.o.
Systems dynamics, especially 
- life-cycle-costing of single systems and fleets (systems of systems)
- World population growth
- Cash-Flow-Cycles with systemic delays
- system dynamics according to Jay W. Forrester: supply chain, bullwhip-effect

Teaching materials

Documents on MOODLE: Presentations and Assignments.
INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook SP2016 6105 REV 2 De. 2007

Supplementary literature

  • Haberfellner, Reinhard (Hrsg.) et al (2012, 12. Völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage): Systems Engineering – Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Orell Füssli Zürich (463 Seiten).

    Donella H. Meadows (2010): Die Grenzen des Denkens - Wie wir sie mit System erkennen und überwinden können. oekom.

    Wiegand, Jürgen (2005): Handbuch Planungserfolg - Methoden, Zusammenarbeit und Management als integraler Prozess. vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zürich.

    Dörner, Dietrich (7. Auflage 2008): die Logik des Misslingens - Strategisches Denken in komplexen Situationen. rororo science Hamburg.

    Gomes / Probst (1999, 3. Auflage): Die Praxis des ganzheitlichen Problemlösens - vernetzt denken, unternehmerisch handeln, persönlich überzeugen. Haupt Berne (299 Seiten).

    Weibel, Benedikt (2014): Simplicity - die Kunst, die Komplexität zu reduzieren. NZZ libro (176 Seiten).


This course is open to all students who have passed the first year assessment exams. External auditors should possess a basic knowledge of classical physics and business operations as well as some concepts of aircraft aerodynamics.

Since this course is held in English, good comprehension skills of this language are required. 

Teaching language

( ) German (X) English

Part of International Profile

(X) Yes ( ) No

Module structure

Type 3c
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester


Written, small groups

2 to 8 hours per assignment

1 to 6

Max. 40 %

End-of-semester exam

Exam, open books

Written, individual

90 min

1 to 6

Min. 60 %



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Aviation Systems Engineering - Praktikum
Aviation Systems Engineering - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.
Course: Aviation Systems Engineering - Vorlesung
Aviation Systems Engineering - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.