t.BA.AV.PM4.19HS (Aviation Projects 4) 
Module: Aviation Projects 4
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Aviation Projects 4
Organised by


Version: 3.0 start 01 February 2024

Short description

The AV.PM4 Module (Sustainability discussions) aims to enhance students' critical thinking and logical argumentation skills in both written and spoken communication. It focuses on sustainability in the transport and energy sector, particularly in aviation, emphasizing the use of sound data and information. The students will gain the necessary skills in asking critical questions, engaging in search and review of scientific and non-scientific literature to answer these questions, and eloquently express one’s ideas in front of an audience and in response to counter arguments.

Module coordinator

Jacinta Edebeli (edeb)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Competences Taxonomy levels
The students will be familiar with various aspects of envisioned sustainable technologies and processes in the energy and transport sector, with focus on aviation. They will be able to perform a critical assessment of the viability of various pathways towards a sustainable future.  Discipline, D C6
Given a topic in sustainability and a perspective to defend, the students will be able to perform purposeful literature search, identify relevant literature across multiple disciplines to support their position in the argument, and differentiate between relevant and irrelevant literature, both in terms of content and quality of source (literature search). Method, M C2-C3
The students will be able to filter relevant information from identified (multidisciplinary) resources and organizing this information in a logical manner to back an argument (literature review) Method, M C2-C6
The students will be able to express their argument(s) logically, concisely, and clearly in debate and before a panel, using appropriate functional language (persuasive speech in debate style, public speaking). Method and Self-competence; M, SE C4-C6
Students will be able to take notes and effectively organize key content relevant to argumentative discourse. Students will be able to summarize and report key content relevant to argumentative discourse, applying critical thinking and assessment of arguments raised. Method and Self competence; M, SE C4-C6
The students will cultivate active listening in a panel/debate and will be able to provide logical counter arguments, using appropriate language Self-competence, SE C6
The students will be able to research in a team, coordinate efforts and distribute work load to achieve the best representation of their team in a debate Social, SO C3-C6

Module contents

Sustainability pathways:
  • Discussing various sustainability-related topics
  • Learning about technology- and process-driven approaches towards a sustainable future in the energy and transport sector with focus on aviation
  • Practicing critical examination and discussion of sustainability topics
Literature review:
  • Performing multidisciplinary literature/online search on a given topic
  • Differentiate between relevant and non-relevant content
  • Differentiate between reliable and non-reliable (or biased) sources
  • Efficiently extract relevant statements and information from any given source
  1. Organizing information on a position on a topic and presenting this information in a logical manner to achieve logical conclusions
  2. Presentations of one’s information during a debate against counter arguments, making sound reasoning on the spot.
  3. Outlining important information from a panel/debate discussion in notes collected in class (active listening) and posing critical questions to panelists.
  4. Summarizing and reporting key content relevant to argumentative discourse, applying critical thinking and assessment of arguments raised.
  5. Use of appropriate functional language for debates such as persuasion, polite disagreement, and holding the floor.
Teamwork: Working in a team of 2 or 3 in preparing for in-class debates and in participating in a debate.

Teaching materials

  1. Topical presentations by experts in-class
  2. Guides in literature search and review in class
  3. Language practice and exercises in class related to argumentative reasoning, logic, summarizing, expressing positions, and presenting concepts in written and spoken form.

Supplementary literature



In-class attendance

Teaching language

 (X) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 4
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
During the semester
  1. Written collection of research and most important findings (group grade)
  2. Performance during debates: introduction speech and following rebuttals (group and individual grades)
  3. Notes taken during debate, including personal stand on the topic, based on the arguments presented during the debate (individual grade)
  4. Report/memo summarizing key content relevant to argumentative discourse, applying critical thinking and assessment of arguments raised.
  5. Final debate: performance during the debate including introductory speech (individual grade)
  1. Written
  2. Speech
  3. Written
  4. Written
  5. Speech
120 h per student
  1. Notes from research in-class and at home
  2. In class debate participation
  3. Active participation as audience in panel discussions and debates
  4. Report/memo
  5. In-class research, preparation, and participation in a debatet
All 4 activities are graded: 1-6
  1. 20%
  2. 20%
  3. 20%
  4. 10%
  5. 30%
Total 100%
End-of-semester exam - - - - -


Please note that in-class attendance is a prerequisite for passing this course. 

Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Aviation Projects 4 - Praktikum
Aviation Projects 4 - Praktikum


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.