n.BA.UI.EnAn.16HS (Environmental analysis) 
Modul: Environmental analysis
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 26.04.2024
Environmental analysis
Monika Hutter


Version: 2.0 gültig ab 01.08.2020
Studiengang BSc in Natural Resource Sciences
Zugehörige Kurse / Gewichtung
Kurscode Kursbezeichnung Gewichtung
n.BA.UI.EnAn.15HS.V Environmental Analysis 50%
n.BA.UI.PWEnAn.15HS.V Project Week Environmental Analysis 50%
Status Elective module
*Typus R   Related course/module
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Natural Resource Sciences degree programme
Vorausgesetzte Module Refer to module guide
Anschlussmodule -
Bemerkungen Module is part of the Minor „Felddiagnostik und Analytik“
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 54 79
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche monika.hutter@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- oder Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)


Kurs: Environmental analysis
Environmental analysis
Monika Hutter


Version: 7.0 gültig ab 01.08.2022
Status Elective course
*Typus M Minor course/module
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Natural Resource Sciences degree programme
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 4. Semester
Kontaktstudium 20
Begleitetes Selbststudium 10
Autonomes Selbststudium 30
Total Workload 60
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Monika Hutter and various lecturers
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen Subject skills:
  • Students become acquainted with assorted methods in environmental analysis in theory and practice.
  • Students achieve insight in bio testing, toxicology, microbial methods for environmental assessment, plant stress indicators and remote sensing practices as well.
  • Students gain experience in developing a research project: problem analysis, phrasing a research question, selecting research methods and drawing up a research plan.
  • They are able to discuss their topics professionally in English, both orally and in writing.
Method skills:
  • Students are able to practically apply a range of working techniques in environmental analysis for research and practice.
  • They can carry out research in appropriate scientific databases and sources, develop a limited research project to investigate particular topics in a project.
  • They can search for, understand and interpret English publications in the field of molecular biology, filed diagnostics and chemical analysis.
  • They are able to express themselves satisfactorily in English within the scope of this module.
Social competences:
  • Students are able to plan, work, perform and learn from group projects and to interact with other research groups
Personal competences:
  • Students are able to investigate and learn independently, consulting relevant sources in the field of knowledge
  • They are familiar with taking different points of view into account on given subjects
Lerninhalte Current methods in environmental analysis in theory and practice such as bio testing, tracers and indicators in water and soil, microbial methods, indicators of plant stress, toxicological issues and remote sensing.
Development of a research project in practice.
Unterrichtssprache English
Präsenzverpflichtung Laboratory practical
Leistungsnachweis Assessed blog assignment (50% of total module mark)
Bibliographie -
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Refer to module guide
Anschlusskurse -
Bemerkungen Module is part of the Minor „Felddiagnostik und Analytik“
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 54 79
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche monika.hutter@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)


Kurs: Project Week Environmental Analysis
Project Week Environmental Analysis
Monika Hutter


Version: 4.0 gültig ab 01.08.2021
Status Elective course
*Typus M Minor course/module
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Natural Resource Sciences degree programme
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 4. Semester
Kontaktstudium 10
Begleitetes Selbststudium 20
Autonomes Selbststudium 30
Total Workload 60
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Monika Hutter
Esther Fischer
Johan Junghardt
Beatrice Kulli
Luzius Jean Petit Matile
Theo Smits
Linda Tschirren
and others
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen Subject skills:
  • Students are able to carry out a research project in environmental analysis in practice.
  • They gain experience in work management, sampling techniques, data analysis, evaluation and reporting.
Method skills:
  • Students become trained in professional application of environmental research methods on the task.
  • Students get used to work in a research group and interdisciplinary interconnecting their findings with other teams.
  • Students know to report and present their findings in a plausible form to the authority concerned.
  • They are able to express themselves satisfactorily in English within the scope of their field of research.
Lerninhalte Practical implementation of an interdisciplinary research project.
Unterrichtssprache English
Präsenzverpflichtung Attendance and participation in the team compulsory the entire project week.
Leistungsnachweis Written report and presentation (50% of total module mark)
Bibliographie -
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Refer to module guide
Anschlusskurse -
Bemerkungen Module is part of the Minor „Felddiagnostik und Analytik“
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 54 79
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche monika.hutter@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)
