n.BA.BT.Zete2SS.16HS (Cell Culture Technology 2 (Summer School in English)) 
Module: Cell Culture Technology 2 (Summer School in English)
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Cell Culture Technology 2 (Summer School in English)
Managed by
Regine Eibl-Schindler


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2016
Studiengang Biotechnologie
Zugehörige Kurse / Gewichtung
Kurscode Kursbezeichnung Gewichtung
n.BA.BT.Zete2SS.16HS.V Zellkulturtechnik - 2 Summer School (Engl.) 100%
Status Wahlpflichtmodul
*Typus C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Biotechnologie
Vorausgesetzte Module  

Das Modul Zellkulturtechnik 2 Summer School ist Teil der Wahlpflichtmodule im 5. und 6. Semester. Es müssen in der Vertiefung Biotechnologie insgesamt 5 Module bzw. 15 Credits und in der Vertiefung Pharmazeutische Technologie 4 Module bzw. 12 Credits belegt werden.

Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 57 13
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche regine.eibl@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- oder Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)
Course: Cell Culture Technology 2 (Summer School in English)
Cell Culture Technology 2 (Summer School in English)
Managed by
Regine Eibl-Schindler


Version: 3.0 start 01 August 2021
Status Restricted optional course
*Type C Core course/module
Regulations applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Biotechnology degree programme
Total workload in lessons
Semester 5. Semester
Lectures 14
Coached selfstudy 28
Autonomous selfstudy 48
Total workload 90
Regine Eibl-Schindler and other internal Lecturers
Learning outcomes and competencies Students are able to independently plan and use basic working methods of animal and plant cell-based protein production (establishment, cell expansion, cell mass propagation, biphasic production process with t-shift). They are able to understand and evaluate their results as well as present their data to experts. Furthermore, they can make recommendations for process improvements.
Course content
  • Characteristics of mammalian cells, metabolism and culture medium
  • Main working techniques in mammalian cell cultivation
  • Cell culture bioreactors: reusable and single-use
  • How to grow adherent mammalian cells at mL and L-scale
  • Insect cells and their cultivation
  • Plant cells: culture type, establishment and main working techniques
  • Plant cell bioreactors: an overview
  • An approach for developing plant cell culture-based processes
  • How to produce SEAP in standard and single-use bioreactors
  • Mass propagation of fast growing plant cells
  • Hi-5 suspension cells: characteristics and mass propagation
  • How to rapidly scale-up animal cell-based processes
  • How to determine the main important engineering parameters of cell culture bioreactors
  • CFD as an important modern tool for characterizing cell culture bioreactors and developing processes Troubleshooting
Language of instruction English
Expected attendance Attendance of lectures, practical training and excursions
Assessment Mark:
  • written exam (67%)
  • written experiment/case study reports and oral   
  • presentation (33%),
  • Total:100% of course mark
Experimental and case study reports which receive a fail grade can be resubmitted once only.
Absence without permission or a valid reason has to be compensated for with written work.
Bibliography Lecture notes, recent scientific publications
R. Eibl et al.: Cell and tissue reaction engineering, Springer
Eibl and Eibl: Disposable bioreactors, Springer
R. Pörtner: Animal cell biotechnology
Eibl and Eibl: Single-Use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, Wiley
Entrance requirements Attendance of Module Biologie 1, Bioverfahrenstechnik 1, and the Steriltechnik course
English: minimum level B2 (e.g. First Certificate in English University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, or equivalent
Follow-up courses Attendance of Module Biologie 1, Bioverfahrenstechnik 1, and the Steriltechnik course
English: minimum level B2 (e.g. First Certificate in English University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, or equivalent
Comments This course is also given in the 5th and 6th semesters under a different „Kursbeschreibung“
For the admission of students an application is requested:
  1. Closing date for admission: end of May. Students should send their application dossier to soeren.werner@zhaw.ch
  2. Application dossiers should include a short letter of motivation, certificate of matriculation, CV and transcript of records, as well as proof of English level (minimum B2, e.g. FCE).
  3. Final decision on admissions: beginning of June. Students will be informed by email.
  4. After receiving an admission email, students should complete binding registration online at http://www.lsfm.zhaw.ch/de/science/ibt-bvt/weiterbildung/kurse.html
  5. See comment in Module
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 57 13
Email regine.eibl@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module
