n.BA.BT.Bio1.21HS (Biology 1) 
Module: Biology 1
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Biology 1


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2021


Study Programme Biotechnology
Regulations Applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Biotechnology degree programme
Module Type  
X Compulsory Module    Elective Module    Optional Module
Planned Semester 1st Semester
Module Coordinator Jack Rohrer
Telephone / E-Mail +41 (0)58 934 57 17 / jack.rohrer@zhaw.ch
Jack Rohrer
Entrance Requirements -
Learning Outcomes and Competencies Students will be able to:
  • recognise, describe and explain the function of the major structures in plant and animal cells.
  • describe the basic principles of biosynthesis, mass transport and metabolism
  • describe the synthesis of proteins and their transport within a cell
  • describe the phases of the cell cycle, meiosis and mitosis
  • describe the basic principles of inheritance (Mendel’s Law) and create inheritance schemas
  • describe basic aspects of cell-to-cell communication with selected physiological examples.
Module Content Cell Biology:
  • Composition of eukaryotic cells, comparison of plant and animal cells
  • Structure and functions of membranes
  • Functions of organelles
  • Protein synthesis and transport
  • Cell cycle, growth, differentiation
  • Meiosis, mitosis
 Genetics (Mendel):
  • Punnett diagrams, Mendel's laws
  • Glycolysis, citric acid cycle (CAC) and electron transport chain (ETC) for producing ATP.
  • Carbon fixation, plants reactions to light and dark
Follow-up Modules Molecular Biology 1, Cell Biology 1, Pharmacology
Methods of Instruction  Lectures and exercises
Digital Resources Moodle course: Script and optional materials
Lesson Structure / Workload  
 Contact Hours 20
 Guided Self-Study 8
 Independent Self-Study 32
 Total Workload 60
Classroom Attendance No
Assessment Written exam at the end of the semester (100%)

If there is a low number of participants, the lecturer may change the form of a repeat examination after consultation with the head of the study programme: e.g. an oral examination can be used to replace a written one. Please report any changes to the form of examinations by e-mail to pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch and Cc. Head of study programme.
Language of Instruction  German
Comments The Biology 1 module is part of the Life Sciences 1 module group.


Course: Biology 1
Biology 1


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 27 July 2024.