n.BA.BT.BVT1.22HS (Bioprocess Engineering 1) 
Module: Bioprocess Engineering 1
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Bioprocess Engineering 1


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2022


Study Programme Biotechnology
Regulations Applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Biotechnology degree programme
Module Type  
X Compulsory Module    Elective Module    Optional Module
Planned Semester 3rd Semester
Module Coordinator Dieter Eibl
Telephone / E-Mail +41 (0)58 934 57 11 / dieter.eibl@zhaw.ch
Dieter Eibl and various lecturers
Entrance Requirements Introduction to Biotechnology, Industrial Systems 1 and 2
Learning Outcomes and Competencies The Bioprocess Engineering 1 module teaches definitions, methods and the most important basic operations from mechanical process engineering. In addition, the basics of thermal process engineering (mass and heat exchange) and an overview of the relevant basic operations are taught.
Module Content
  • Introduction to VT
    • Systematics
    • Operating modes
    • Balance equations
  • Process engineering methods - selected aspects of material systems
    • Sieve analysis
    • Rheology
  • Material combination
    • Stirring
    • Solids mixing
  • Disintegration processes
    • Mechanical cell disintegration
  • Separation processes
    • Liquid separation and clarification
  • Fundamentals of mass and heat exchange
  • Written assignments
Follow-up Modules Bioprocess Engineering practical and Bioprocess Engineering 2
Methods of Instruction  Lecture-style instruction, practical exercises, written assignments independent self-study
Digital Resources Technical videos
Lesson Structure / Workload  
 Contact Hours 24
 Guided Self-Study 4
 Independent Self-Study 32
 Total Workload 60
Classroom Attendance Written assessment (paper and electronic / e-assessment) and group work (paper)
Assessment Coursework 100%: mid-term exam
Language of Instruction  German
Comments The Bioprocess Engineering module 1 is part of the Technology 3 module group


Hemming, W., Verfahrenstechnik,Vogel, 2017
ISBN: 978-3-8343-3412-1

Ignatowitz, E., Chemietechnik, Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten, 2015
ISBN: 978-3-8085-7120-0

Schwister, K.; Leven, V., Verfahrenstechnik für Ingenieure,
Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 2020
ISBN: 978-3-446-46481-0

Storhas, W.
Bioverfahrensentwicklung,Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2013
ISBN: 978-3-527-32899-4

Vauck, W., R., A.; Müller, H., A.,Grundoperationen chemischer Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 1999
ISBN: 978-3-527-30964-1



  • This module description is due to be replaced by a new version as of 01 August 2024.
Course: Bioprocess Engineering 1
Bioprocess Engineering 1


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 27 July 2024.