Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
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(Sunday, January 19, 2025 4:14:26 AM)
n.BA.BT.Zete2.22HS (Cell Culture Technology 2)
Module: Cell Culture Technology 2
This information was generated on: 19 January 2025
Cell Culture Technology 2
Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2022
Study Programme
Regulations Applicable
RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Biotechnology degree programme
Module Type
Compulsory Module
Elective Module
Optional Module
Planned Semester
4th Semester
Module Coordinator
Regine Eibl
Telephone / E-Mail
+41 (0)58 934 57 13 /
Regine Eibl and various lecturers
Entrance Requirements
Cell Biology 1, Cell Culture Technology 1, Bioprocess Engineering 1
Learning Outcomes and Competencies
irst and foremost, the theoretical basics are taught in class for the planning as well as the realisation of antibody productions with CHO cells growing in suspension. Furthermore, students deal with the modelling of CHO cell growth and learn about important levers for increasing process efficiency in upstream processing. Upon completion of the module, students should be able to evaluate the correct strategy for
process intensification
and apply this in practice. In this context, they should also be able to describe factors influencing product quality.
The module also focuses on microcarrier technology for the cultivation of mammalian cells growing in suspension, but also those growing adherently, and on production processes based on insect cells and baculoviruses. Students should be aware of the differences from the mAb production processes covered previously and be able to apply developments that facilitate process scale-up such as the TIPS (titerless infected-cells preservation and scale-up) process or bead-to-bead transfer. This module is the basis for the cell culture technology 2 practicals.
Module Content
The module consists of 3 blocks:
Block 1:
mAb production with CHO cells growing in suspension
Brief repetition of necessary basics of cell culture as well as bioprocess technology
Complete mAb production (current and previous)
Modern USP of mammalian cell-based mAb productions and starting points to increase efficiency (T-shift, perfusion)
N-1 seed perfusion for superintensive inoculum production
High-seed fed-batch productions
Concentrated fed-batch
Continuous mAb productions
Special features of agitation and gassing in mAb productions
Harvesting and product separation in mAb productions
Cell growth modelling in mAb production processes
Block 2: Microcarrier technology and its challenges in the cultivation of mammalian cells growing both in suspension and adherently.
Historical excursus and main applications
Microcarrier types, their selection and suitable bioreactors
Development of microcarrier-based processes
Processes with bead-to-bead transfer
Block 3:
Production processes with insect cells and baculoviruses
Cell lines
Special features of insect cell cultivation compared to mammalian cells
Insect cell metabolism and culture media
Two-phase vs. single-phase processes (TIPS procedures)
Virus-like particle – vaccine production
Follow-up Modules
Cell Culture Technology 2 practicals
Methods of Instruction
Lectures, tasks to complete, tests
Digital Resources
Modelling software BioProzess Trainer
Lesson Structure / Workload
Contact Hours
Guided Self-Study
Independent Self-Study
Total Workload
Classroom Attendance
Written mid-term exam 100% as e-assessment, no assessed coursework
If there is a low number of participants, the lecturer may change the form of a repeat examination after consultation with the head of the study programme: e.g. an oral examination can be used to replace a written one. Please report any changes to the form of examinations by e-mail to
and Cc. Head of study programme.
Language of Instruction
The module Cell Culture Technology 2 is part
the Natural Sciences 4 module group.
Lecture slides
Microcarrier Cell Culture - Principles and methods (2021), Cytiva,
Meier and Schmidhalter (2014) Industrial scale suspension culture of living cells. Wiley Blackwell
ISBN: 978-3-527-68332-1
Jagschies et al. (2018) Biopharmaceutical processing: Development, design, and implementation of manufacturing processes. Elsevier ISBN: 978-0081006238
Müller et al. (2022) Intensified and continuous mAb production with single-use systems in Cell Culture Engineering and Technology (ed. Pörtner, R.)
ISBN 978-3-030-79870-3
Course: Cell Culture Technology 2
Cell Culture Technology 2
No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 19 January 2025.