n.MA.PR.AFP4.23HS (Agro Food Project 4 – Business Plan) 
Modul: Agro Food Project 4 – Business Plan
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 27.07.2024
Agro Food Project 4 – Business Plan


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2023


Degree Program MSc in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems
Workload 60h: contact hours 16h (27%), self-study (guided) 44h (73%)
Module Coordinator Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merkle
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Thorsten Merkle, external experts, mentors
Entry Requirements Students should be able to
  • apply all individually necessary steps and tools to create a business plan
Learning Outcome and  Competences Students will be able to
  • Apply all methods and tools required for the elaboration, presentation and defence of a business plan for a regenerative project at appropriate levels.
  • Present and defend a business plan in front of a heterogenous audience.
  • Negotiate at appropriate level with potential funders, investors and/or donors
  • Understand, analyse, evaluate business plans and give appropriate feedback
Module Content Students develop a complete business plan and learn to read, analyse, evaluate, and challenge other business plans. They present their own business plan in front of relevant stakeholders (e.g., experts, peers, faculty, etc.) and defend it.
Teaching / Learning Methods
  • Workshops
  • Group work (including presentation)
  • Reflection
  • Mentoring discussions
  • Lectures
  • Peer-to-peer discussions and feedback
Assessment of Learning
Performance Grade 100%:
  • Written documentation of the Business Plan (group work, 70%)
  • Oral presentation of the Business Plan (individual assessment, 30%)
In case of failed assessment, the following options are possible:
  1. The failed assessments may be resubmitted (in case of written work and grade between 3.5 and 3.99) or a supplementary examination can be carried out (in case of oral assessment). Counts as first attempt.
  2. The failed assessments can be repeated the next time they are scheduled in the regular timetable. Counts as second attempt.
Bibliography -
Language English
Comments -


Kurs: Agro Food Project 4 – Business Plan
Agro Food Project 4 – Business Plan


  • Für das Stichdatum 27.07.2024 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.