Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
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n.MA.PR.DDPR.22HS (Disruption Days – Personal Resilience) 
Modul: Disruption Days – Personal Resilience
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 19.01.2025
Disruption Days – Personal Resilience


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2022


Degree Program MSc in Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems
Workload 60h
Module Coordinator Maya Ladner
Lecturers Various lecturers
Entry Requirements Students should be able to
  • reflect on their strengths and weaknesses in the context of different types of preneurship (intra-, entre-, commonpreneurship) and be aware of necessary complementary skills within their team.
  • communicate in a solution-oriented and appreciative way to present themselves and their project case effectively.
  • understand how to deal with conflict, feedback, culture and diversity, and apply methods to cope with challenging situations.
Learning Outcome and  Competences Students will be able to
  • understand key topics arising in their everyday lives that can lead to reduced well-being.
  • analyse and recognise how these topics resonate with them and they relate to the topics.
  • understand selected methods that can support them in increasing well-being and personal resilience.
  • plan approaches to trying out and applying selected methods in their own lives.
  • analyse and reflect on the discussed topics and methods applied.
  • understand and apply communication techniques that build empathetic relationships and help manage difficult conversations and conflict.
  • relate selected topics to collaborations with others and consider how this may affect themselves and others.
Module Content In this module, students come into contact with various facets of the field of personal resilience. They learn to recognise the key topics that can have an influence on well-being, stress resilience and performance. Together and individually, they reflect on how these topics show up in their lives. They learn to assess and manage their own resources and how to apply methods to increase well-being and personal resilience. They plan how to approach topics that are the most relevant to them and reflect on the methods they apply. The students will learn how to relate the module topics to settings in their professional careers.

The students will get the opportunity to bring in their own topics or challenges they face. That way the topics of the module can be adapted to each cohort.
Teaching / Learning Methods
  • Discussions
  • Meditation
  • Reflection
  • Individual work
  • Lectures
Assessment of Learning
Predicate (passed / failed) 100%:
  • Written documentation of personal resilience practices 70%
  • Individual reflection on the module objectives and content 30%
In case of failed assessment, the following options are possible:
1. The failed written assessments may be resubmitted. Counts as first attempt.
2. The failed assessments can be repeated the next time they are scheduled in the regular timetable. Counts as second attempt.
Bibliography -
Language English
Comments -


Kurs: Disruption Days – Personal Resilience
Disruption Days – Personal Resilience


  • Für das Stichdatum 19.01.2025 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.