n.BA.FM.Pr.11HS (Internship) 
Module: Internship
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Managed by
Anja Fuchs


Version: 4.0 start 01 August 2017
Study programme Facility Management
Course Code Course title Weighting
n.BA.FM.Pr.11HS.P Internship 100%
Status Compulsory module
*Type C Core course/module
Regulations applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Facility Management degree programme
Entrance requirements 1st- 3rd semester; variation possible for part-time students
Follow-up modules -
Comments Scope of the internship: 840 hours or min. 5 months at 100%
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 58 37
Email anja.fuchs@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module


Course: Internship
Managed by
Anja Fuchs


Version: 4.0 start 01 August 2017
Status Compulsory Course
*Type C Core course/module
Regulations applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Facility Management degree programme
Total workload in lessons
Semester 4./5. Semester
Lectures -
Coached selfstudy -
Autonomous selfstudy 840
Total workload 840
Directors of the internship programme
The directors of the internship programme are responsible for professional and personal assistance and support of students during the internship period. Together with the students, they create objectives for the internship and are responsible for conducting periodic progress checks, including checking of objectives and elaboration of further development activities. 

ZHAW lecturers
A ZHAW lecturer accompanies the student during the internship period and is the contact person when a discussion is desired. He or she makes a site visit at the internship location and discusses achievement of objectives and the personal learning progress with the student on completion of the internship.
Learning outcomes and competencies
  • Students gain insight into the everyday life of a Facility Manager and consolidate the knowledge they have gained in previous semesters in a practical situation.
  • Depending on their internship location, they apply their abilities and the skills they have acquired, broaden their experience and gain insight into a specific FM environment.
  • Students gain their first leadership experience as Facility Managers and / or take on their first project and planning responsibilities.
Course content
  • Students adapt their theoretical knowledge to everyday practice.
  • Their objective is defined by the internship tasks set by the company and by their personal objectives. Students strive to achieve these goals or make situational corrections and adjustments.
Language of instruction -
Expected attendance -
Assessment Pass or fail: students must write a report on completion of their internship.

The directors of the internship programme draw up a work reference for the completed internship.
Bibliography -
Entrance requirements -
Follow-up courses -
Comments -
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 58 37 
Email anja.fuchs@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module
