n.BA.UI.VAAPS.11HS (Vegetation Analysis and Plant Systematics) 
Module: Vegetation Analysis and Plant Systematics
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Vegetation Analysis and Plant Systematics
Managed by
Jürgen Dengler


Version: 5.0 start 01 August 2018
Study programme BSc in Natural Resource Sciences
Code Name of course Weighting
n.BA.UI.VAAPS.11HS.V Vegetation analysis and plant systematics 100%
Status Elective module
*Type M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)
Regulations applicable RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Umweltingenieurwesen
Entrance requirements Refer to module guide
Follow-up modules -
Comments -
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 50 84
Email juergen.dengler@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module


Course: Vegetation Analysis and Plant Systematics
Vegetation Analysis and Plant Systematics
Managed by
Jürgen Dengler


Version: 6.0 start 01 August 2021
Status Elective course
*Type M Minor course/module
Regulations applicable RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Umweltingenieurwesen
Total workload in lessons
Semester 4. Semester
Lectures 60
Coached selfstudy 30
Autonomous selfstudy 30
Total workload 120
Dr. Jürgen Dengler and various lecturers
Learning outcomes and competencies
  • You will be able to apply the principles and methods needed for dealing with floristic and vegetation-ecological questions in space and time. For this, you will gain competences in the fields of both vegetation analysis and systematic botany.
  • Vegetation Analysis: You will be able to (1) plan a vegetation ecological study for a specific research question, (2) develop a sound sampling design, (3) sample vegetation-plot records (relevés) or plot-less vegetation data of high quality, (4) analyse the data with respect to plant diversity and composition, vegetation classification, biodindication, temporal change (biodiversity monitoring) and/or conservation issues using a range of classic and modern numerical methods and (5) present and interpret the obtained results in an appropriate manner.
  • Systematic Botany: You will have (1) a basic understanding of plant systematics, you will know (2) the crucial traits of the 20 most important plant families and (3) of the 200 most common plant species in Switzerland, and you will be able (4) to determine an unknown plant with help of both traditional keys to the Flora of Switzerland and modern identification tools such as iPhone-apps.
Course content
  • Vegetation and flora play an important role in the fields of nature conservation, agriculture, forestry and water shed management. The module encompasses two main topics, viz. (1) vegetation analysis and (2) systematic botany.
  • Vegetation Analysis covers aims and methods of vegetation ecology, in particular, sampling approaches and analytical methods as well as the interpretation of results. This includes the analysis of biodiversity patterns, vegetation change (biodiversity monitoring), vegetation classification (phytosociology), vegetation maps, ecological indicator values, plant strategies and plant functional traits as well as applications in nature conservation. Obtaining practical skills, such as high-quality field sampling and analysis of the data with different computer programs, is the main focus of the class.
  • Systematic Botany. Crucial for field work in vegetation ecology are both a solid knowledge of the flora and the skill to determine an unknown plant. Systematic Botany provides a basic understanding of plant systematics and the characteristic traits of the 20 most important plant families in Switzerland. This greatly facilitates to assign an unknown plant to a genus or at least to a family which, in turn, substantially accelerates the determination process. Further an overview is given of the relevant literature, the traditional keys to the Flora of Switzerland as well as modern identification tools such as iPhone-apps.
Language of instruction English
Expected attendance 80%
Assessment Vegetation analysis: project work (50% of total module mark)

Systematic Botany: Written exam at the end of the semester (50% of total module mark)

If there is a low number of participants, the lecturer may change the form of a repeat examination after consultation with the head of the study programme: e.g. an oral examination can be used to replace a written one. Please report any changes to the form of examinations by e-mail to pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch and Cc. Head of study programme.
Bibliography refer to module guide
Entrance requirements refer to module guide
Follow-up courses -
Comments Module is part of the Minor "Artenkenntnisse"
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 50 84
Email juergen.dengler@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module
