t.BA.ST.MESY2.19HS (Mechanical Systems 2) 
Module: Mechanical Systems 2
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Mechanical Systems 2
Organised by


Version: 4.0 start 01 August 2023

Short description

Elastostatics deals with the deformation that results in a component due to loads. In the case of machine elements, students are familiarised with the dimensioning elements used in systems engineering. The design guidelines provide assistance in the correct design of components.

Module coordinator

Michael Wüthrich, wuem

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Elastostatics Competences Taxonomy levels
You will learn how to analyze the stress and distortion state for plane problems and how to determine the stresses and distortions for different cutting directions. F, M K3
You will learn how to determine the stress from the distortion quantities. You will learn about the strength hypotheses that can be used to assess the stress of the material in a spatial stress state F, M K4
You will learn the basic equations of beam theory and will be able to determine the deflection of beams and the resulting stresses. F, M K3,K4
You know the basic equations of torsion and can apply them to case studies. F, M K3
Objectives Machine Elements / Design    
You know the most important machine elements such as bearings, connections and gears. You also know what to look for when selecting them. F, M K3
They are able to roughly dimension the most important machine elements. F, M K4
They know the most important design guidelines and are able to create simple constructions professionally. F, M K3

Module contents

1. Elastostatics:
  • Planar stress state
  • state of distortion, law of elasticity
  • moments of inertia of area
  • Bending, normal stresses
  • Bending line Single field beam
  • Bending line, several fields
  • Torsion, cylindrical shafts
  • Torsion, thin-walled closed and open profiles

2. Machine Elements / Design
  • Bearings
  • Gearbox
  • Connection technology
  • Design guidelines
  • Tolerances and fits

Exercises are distributed, which have to be solved independently and are then discussed in the lecture.

Teaching materials

  • Gross D., Hauger W., Schröder J., Wall W.A.: Technische Mechanik. Elastostatik (Band 2), Springer-Lehrbuch, Berlin Heidelberg.
Others will be announced in due course.

Supplementary literature

Will be announced in due course.


The visit of MESY1 is required.

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 2a
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


It is possible to deviate from the regulation of "proof of performance during teaching hours" if the lecturer announces this in writing in a module agreement during the first week of the study semester.
Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments in elastostatics during teaching semester Exam Written 45 min 1-6 15 %
Graded assignments in machine elements and design during teaching semester Exam Written 45 min 1-6 15 %
End-of-semester exam Exam Written 90 min 1-6 70 %



Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Mechanische Systeme 2 - Vorlesung
Mechanische Systeme 2 - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.