s.BA.SA.ES-BRUX-0.19HS (ES Social Days in Brussels) 
Modul: ES Social Days in Brussels
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 08.05.2024
ES Social Days in Brussels
SB Bachelor


Version: 4.0 gültig ab 01.02.2022
Fachbereich Departement Soziale Arbeit
Studiengang Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit
Modulniveau Intermediate
Modultyp Related
Angebot Frühlingssemester
Keywords Europäische Sozialpolitik, EU, Soziale Arbeit im europäischen Vergleich
Workload  (in Stunden)
Kontaktstudium 24                                         
Begleitetes Selbststudium 18
Autonomes Selbststudium 18
Gesamt 60
Verantwortliche Ansprechperson
Telefon / E-Mail
Weitere Dozierende
Dr. Anne Schillig
+41 58 934 85 45 / anne.schillig@zhaw.ch
Meret Reiser
+41 58 934 85 07 / meret.reiser@zhaw.ch
Kompetenzen Fachkompetenz:
F9: Wissen über internationale Kontexte und Entwicklungen in der Sozialen Arbeit
F1: Wissen über die Gesellschaft und die gesellschaftlichen Teilsysteme
S4: Fähigkeit zum Umgang mit Diversität und Heterogenität
The students
  • are able to make themselves understood with Social Work students from various European countries and exchange ideas on specialized subjects
  • are familiar with the fundamentals of the functions and institutions of the European Union with regard to important social/socio-political questions
  • are aware of current socio-political debates at European Union level
  • are able to work out their own personal theses and adopt scientifically sound positions with regard to aspects of a Social Europe and to bring them up in discussions.
Lerninhalte (Abstract) The “Brussels Week“ takes place in a training centre near Leuven (Belgium). Meeting to exchange professional skills and ideas will be some 100 students and 15 lecturers in Social Work from Tallinn (Estonia), Munich (Ger-many), Leuven/ Louvain (Belgium), Groningen (Netherlands), Malaga (Spain) and Zurich. The focal point of the week (Monday-Thursday) will be discuss-ing and working on problems concerning the subject of “Labour in Europe and Social Work“. Experts, Lecturers and EU Members of Parliament will present papers and will be available for discussion. The students them-selves will provide their own input; in workshops they will exchange knowledge and experience based on their own individual countries.

In the course of the week there is an excursion to Brussels, with a visit to the European Parliament, where there will be an opportunity to gain inside knowledge of the institutions, functions and the mandatory representatives of the European Union.
Leistungsnachweis(e) Oral presentation
Bemerkungen Maximum number of participants: 12.
Travel costs to Brussels/Leuven are to be covered by the students.
Duration: 1 week
Execution dates according to the current “Modulangebot”.


Kurs: ES Social Days in Brussels
ES Social Days in Brussels


  • Für das Stichdatum 08.05.2024 ist kein Modulbeschreibungstext im System verfügbar.