n.BA.BT.PrABAC.22HS (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Practical) 
Module: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Practical
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Practical


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2022


Study Programme Biotechnology
Regulations Applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Biotechnology degree programme
Module Type  
X Compulsory Module    Elective Module    Optional Module
Planned Semester 4th Semester
Module Coordinator Caspar Demuth
Telephone / E-Mail +41 (0)58 934 57 63 / caspar.demuth@zhaw.ch
Caspar Demuth, Andrea Baier, Hans-Joachim Nägele, Assistierende
Entrance Requirements Chemistry 1, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 1, Biochemistry 2, Molecular Biology 1 Practical and Biochemistry 2
Learning Outcomes and Competencies Students will
  • become familiar with the most important steps in the analytical process and will be able to adequately implement and scrutinise these in a concrete application;
  • be able to prepare exemplary samples so that they correspond to the analytical steps which then follow;
  • be able to independently carry out quantitative determinations for selected instrumental analytical (especially chromatographic) methods;
  • be able to evaluate analyses in a scientifically correct manner, interpret and scrutinise the results critically, and document them completely and comprehensibly in a report;
  • be able to independently carry out, optimise and document suitable steps in the purification process and the bioanalytical methods required for this by means of a practical example.
Module Content Instrumental analytics
  • Performance of liquid chromatographic and gas chromatographic analyses (HPLC, IC, HPTLC, GC) with different and changing research topics with applications in biotechnology, food or environmental analysis
  • Software-supported optimisation of chromatographic methods
  • Quantitative analyses with UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy with applications in biotechnology, food or environmental analysis
Downstream processing (protein purification and bioanalysis)
  • Cell disruption, and application of suitable auric purification methods using a practical example (e.g. protein from batch practical)
  • Accompanying protein analysis (SDS-PAGE, protein quantification, activity)
Follow-up Modules -
Methods of Instruction  Independent practical lab exercises
Digital Resources Video tutorials
Lesson Structure / Workload  
 Contact Hours -
 Guided Self-Study 56
 Independent Self-Study 34
 Total Workload 90
Classroom Attendance Yes
Assessment Coursework 100%: Lab protocols, lab reports and presentations
Language of Instruction  German
Comments -


Course: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Practical
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Practical


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 27 July 2024.