n.BA.UI.EBGE.14HS (Energy in buildings, geothermal energy) 
Modul: Energy in buildings, geothermal energy
Diese Information wurde generiert am: 04.05.2024
Energy in buildings, geothermal energy
Markus Hubbuch


Version: 2.0 gültig ab 01.08.2014
Studiengang  Umweltingenieurwesen
Zugehörige Kurse / Gewichtung
Kurscode Kursbezeichnung Gewichtung
n.BA.UI.EBGE.14HS.V Energy in buildings, geothermal energy 100%
Status Wahlpflichtmodul
*Typus Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogramms)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Umweltingenieurwesen
Vorausgesetzte Module Physik 1, angewandte Mathematik
Anschlussmodule -
Bemerkungen -
Telefon Modulverantwortliche  +41 (0)58 934 58 32
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche markus.hubbuch@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- oder Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)
Kurs: Energy in buildings, geothermal energy
Energy in buildings, geothermal energy
Markus Hubbuch


Version: 1.0 gültig ab 01.08.2014
Status  Elective course
*Typus  C  Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogramms)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Natural Resource Sciences degree programme
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 4. Semester
Kontaktstudium 56
Begleitetes Selbststudium 40
Autonomes Selbststudium 24
Total Workload 120
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Markus Hubbuch
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen Being able to understand and to make calculations about heat demand of a building, U-values and simplified estimation of ventilation demand.
Estimation and simplified calulation of peak heat load of a building.
Ability to explain effects of buildings physics in regard of humidity, heat loss through transmission and air leaks, and heat gain by passive solar energy.
Knowlege about regulations and laws in regard of insulation of buildings.
Knowlege about room conditioning with free cooling and mechanical cooling, estimation of cooling energy demand.

Knowlege about the different forms of geothermal energy use and theire energy potential and main fields of usage. Ability to calculate a geothermal borehole heat exchanger according to SIA 384/6.
Understanding about the princilpes of other forms of usage of shallow geothermal energy like ground collectors and heat exchager piles.
Knowlege about the principles of drilling technology. Explaining the different forms of deep geothermal usage, the potential and the challenges of such installations.
Lerninhalte Introduction in building physics, especially transmission heat losses, ventilation heat losses and problems with humidity.
Balance between heat losses and heat gains in a building, estimation of heat gains.
Heat demand for domestic hot water.
Laws, regulations, labels and standards for energy efficiency of buildings.
Problems of overheating in summer and possibilities for cooling in summer, especially free cooling.

Overview of different geothermal energy usage.
Potential and origin of geothermal energy.
Schallow geothermal energy use: borehole heat exchangers, ground collectors and similar installations, shallow groundwater usage, heat exchanger piles and ait to ground heat exchanger.
Deep geothermal energy: deep borehole heat exchanger, deep aquifer usage, enhanced geothermal plants, electricity production.
Naturally appearing geothermal energy: Thermal water and geothermal anomalies
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Präsenzverpflichtung None, two short papers have to be handed in during semester and are qualified as passed or not passed. Two passed papers are a prerequisit to take part at the written exam in the exam session after the semester.
Written exam at the end of the semester (abgesetzte schriftliche Modulprüfung, Gewichtung 100%), two obligatory papers (zwei obligatorische Arbeiten)

If fewer than 5 students are required to resit the written exam, this can be changed from a written to an oral exam at the request of the lecturer concerned and with the written agreement of the students.(Please advise pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch of any exam modification; a form is available from the Registrar's Office)

Bibliographie Scripts and slides from the lessons, sia standards 380/1 and 384/6
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse physics 1 and mathematics
Anschlusskurse -
Bemerkungen one field trip is foreseen
Telefon Modulverantwortliche  +41 (0)58 934 58 32
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche markus.hubbuch@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)