t.BA.AV.INFRA-AA.19HS (Infrastructure - Airspace and Air Navigation Services) 
Module: Infrastructure - Airspace and Air Navigation Services
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Infrastructure - Airspace and Air Navigation Services
Organised by


Version: 5.0 start 01 August 2022

Short description

Students obtain an overview and understand the basic principles of the infrastructure of “airspace”. They acquire knowledge about the services, procedures and technical systems required for efficient and safe operations in airspace. The module forms a basis for future career options in this area.

Module coordinator

Felux Michael (felu)

Learning objectives (competencies)

Objectives Comp. Tax.
The students are able to name the airspace classes according to ICAO and can explain the separation between different types of air traffic in the respective classes. They are able to name the classes used in Swiss airspace and can explain the airspace organization into control areas and sectors. They can explain exemplary problems and contradicting expectations of different airspace users. They can explain the main drivers and goals of AVISTRAT-CH and SESAR with respect to ANS and use the knowledge acquired in this module to derive potential solutions. F K1-K4
The students can describe the interdependences between the different tasks and areas within the air navigation services.  F, M K1-K2
The students can describe the organization of air navigation services and name the most relevant legal and sovereign tasks of the Swiss air navigation service provider skyguide and are able to extract relevant information out of the applicable documents. F, M K1-K2
The students are able to name and explain the most important physical principles regarding communication, navigation and surveillance systems. They can perform calculations regarding the principles and effects and are able to derive technical and operational measures from the results. F, M K1-K4
The students are able to name, describe and analyze current state-of-the art communication, navigation and surveillance systems and operations as used in aviation today. They are able to describe the principle of operation, perform calculations regarding these systems and derive advantages and disadvantages of different technical systems. Based on these, the students are able to judge the suitability of different systems for given operational needs and select optimal technical solutions from a given set of technologies. Furthermore, they are able to locate and identify the most important and relevant technical standards and extract relevant information from these documents. F, M K1-K5
The students are able to perform integrity calculations for navigation systems and analyze the results with respect to performance-based navigation requirements. They are able to analyze selected error sources and make basic judgements of technical system safety. F, M K3-K5

Module contents

The students learn about the basics of airspace organization, air navigation services (with focus on air traffic management, communication, navigation and surveillance). The following  topics are covered:
  1. The airspace, ist classification, basic airspace organization in Switzerland, air navigation tasks and services, important players and their roles (e.g. skyguide, Eurocontrol, ICAO). Current situation of airspace organization in Switzerland and Europe and the resulting challenges and developments (e.g. in AVISTRAT-CH, SESAR, NextGen)
  2. Communication systems: principle of operation of currently used communication systems in aviation (incl. voice and data communication) and challenges for different systems; current developments regarding future communication systems and Performance-Based Communication (PBC)
  3. Navigation systems: principle of operation of conventional navigation systems, satellite navigation as well as advantages, disadvantages of current systems, current developments and future navigation, integrity and Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)
  4. Surveillance systems: principle of operation of different cooperative and non-cooperative surveillance systems including primary and secondary surveillance radar (PSR, SSR) ADS-B/C, TCAS and Performance-Based Surveillance (PBS)

Teaching materials

Teaching videos, lecture slides, problem sheets, selected literature and other supplementary material as provided in moodle.
Teaching of INFRA-AA will take place in a blended-learning setting which includes physical presence in classroom as well as video-based teaching with associated problem sheets provided in an online setting.   Contents will be presented either online or offline depending on the suitability and current regulations regarding physical presence in classrooms. Video-based teaching will be heavily used for more complex technical content in order to allow students to learn at their own pace by stopping, rewinding and replaying the videos as required. All contents are accompanied by practical problems, encouraging students to repeat and act for effective absorption of the lecture content. Classroom settings will mainly be used for student-centric addressing of encountered issues in solving the accompanying problems.
Furthermore, external guests will give examples from real-world experiences, especially regarding current problems, developments and status regarding selected activities. This ensures practical relevance and descriptive and concrete illustration of the module content.

Supplementary literature

ICAO Annexes (especially 10, 11 and 15), ICAO PANS, EU Regulations, national law.

- D. Stacey: Aeronautical Radio Communication Systems and Networks
-  P. Misra, P. Enge: Global Positioning System
- H. Mensen: Handbuch der Luftfahrt


Successful completion of the assessment year in the BScAV.

Teaching language

(X) German ( ) English

Part of International Profile

( ) Yes (X) No

Module structure

Type 2c
  For more details please click on this link: T_CL_Modulauspraegungen_SM2025


Description Type Form Scope Grade Weighting
Graded assignments during teaching semester (3) Quiz written, online 15min Marking 30% (3x10%)
End-of-semester exam End-of-semester examination written examination 60min Marking 70%


Materila will be provided mostly in English, the questions in the examination will be in English, answers are possible in German and/or English

Legal basis

The module description is part of the legal basis in addition to the general academic regulations. It is binding. During the first week of the semester a written and communicated supplement can specify the module description in more detail.


Course: Infrastructure - Airspace and Air Navigation Services - Vorlesung
Infrastructure - Airspace and Air Navigation Services - Vorlesung


  • No module description is available in the system for the cut-off date of 01 August 2099.