n.BA.FM.GeKo.16HS (Society and Communication 1) 
Module: Society and Communication 1
This information was generated on: 27 July 2024
Society and Communication 1
Managed by
Stephan Küng


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2016
Study programme Facility Management
Code Name of course Weighting
  English 1: 50%
n.BA.FM.Eng1Ad.16HS.V Advanced 1  
n.BA.FM.Eng1UpIn.16HS.V Upper-Intermediate 1  
n.BA.FM.Eng1In.16HS.V Intermediate 1  
n.BA.FM.KSÖA.16HS.V On-the-job communication and presentation skills 50%
Status Compulsory module
*Type C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
Regulations applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Facility Management degree programme
Entrance requirements -
Follow-up modules Language and culture
Comments -
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 56 05
Email stephan.kueng@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module
Course: English 1 (Advanced)
English 1 (Advanced)
Managed by
Darren Mace


Version: 3.0 start 01 August 2018
Status Pflichtkurs
*Typus C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Facility Management
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 1. Semester
Kontaktstudium 28
Begleitetes Selbststudium -
Autonomes Selbststudium 32
Total Workload 60
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Darren Mace and various lecturers from the English team
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen The aim of the 4-semester course is to
  • develop participants’ academic and professional language competence to a level approximating to the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework C1
  • foster language learning skills
  • enhance critical thinking skills
  • expand study-related vocabulary through a focus on specialised written and spoken texts.
At C1 level students can
  • understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning
  • express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions
  • use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes
  • produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects.
Lerninhalte The 4-semester English Advanced course includes
  • professional and academic writing (letters/emails, reports etc.) including job applications

  • presenting and defending arguments and ideas as well as summarizing texts in both written and spoken form

  • expanding vocabulary (including academic and subject-specific) to prepare students for future employment and/or study situations

  • reading and listening practice (audio and video) with a particular focus on popular science, topical and study-related issues

  • speaking practice (including frequent pair and group work) throughout the course in order to consolidate learning and enhance oral communication skills.

Unterrichtssprache English
Präsenzverpflichtung Certain lessons and/or tasks (designated by the teacher) are obligatory (testatpflichtige Übungen): if these lessons and/or tasks are not satisfactorily completed, the final overall grade for the course is a 1.00.
Leistungsnachweis Written exam at the end of the semester (abgesetzte schriftliche Modulprüfung, Gewichtung 100%)

Wenn bei einer Repetitionsprüfung 5 oder weniger Studierende teilnehmen, kann die Prüfungsform auf Antrag des/der Dozierenden abgeändert werden: d.h. anstatt einer schriftlichen kann eine mündliche Prüfung abgehalten werden. Dazu braucht es das schriftliche Einverständnis der Studierenden. (Bitte entsprechende Meldung der geänderten Prüfungsform an pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch; Formular kann beim Studiensekretariat bezogen werden.)
Bibliographie Students are informed at the beginning of the course which course books/learning materials are to be used for their level of learning.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Allgemeinbildung Niveau Naturwissenschaftliche BMS (B2)
Anschlusskurse English (Advanced) 2
Bemerkungen The opportunity to prepare for the Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) is provided in semester 3 (and 4).

A Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) course also takes place in the autumn semester, and an IELTS course in the spring semester.
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 53 38
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche darren.mace@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)


Course: English 1 (Intermediate)
English 1 (Intermediate)
Managed by
Darren Mace


Version: 3.0 start 01 August 2018
Status Pflichtkurs
*Typus C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Facility Management
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 1. Semester
Kontaktstudium 28
Begleitetes Selbststudium -
Autonomes Selbststudium 32
Total Workload 60
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Darren Mace and various lecturers from the English team
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen

The aim of the 4-semester course is to

  • develop participants’ academic and professional language competence to a level approximating to the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework B2
  • foster language learning skills
  • enhance critical thinking skills
  • expand study-related vocabulary through a focus on specialised written and spoken texts.
At B2 level students can
  • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation
  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party
  • can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects
  • can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

The 4-semester English Intermediate course includes

  • professional and academic writing (letters/emails, reports etc.) including job applications
  • presenting and defending arguments and ideas as well as summarizing texts in both written and spoken form
  • expanding vocabulary (including academic and subject-specific) to prepare students for future employment and/or study situations
  • reading and listening practice (audio and video) with a particular focus on popular science, topical and study-related issues
  • speaking practice (including frequent pair and group work) throughout the course in order to consolidate learning and enhance oral communication skills.
Unterrichtssprache English
Präsenzverpflichtung Certain lessons and/or tasks (designated by the teacher) are obligatory (testatpflichtige Übungen): if these lessons and/or tasks are not satisfactorily completed, the final overall grade for the course is a 1.00.
Leistungsnachweis Written exam at the end of the semester (abgesetzte schriftliche Modulprüfung, Gewichtung 100%)

Wenn bei einer Repetitionsprüfung 5 oder weniger Studierende teilnehmen, kann die Prüfungsform auf Antrag des/der Dozierenden abgeändert werden: d.h. anstatt einer schriftlichen kann eine mündliche Prüfung abgehalten werden. Dazu braucht es das schriftliche Einverständnis der Studierenden. (Bitte entsprechende Meldung der geänderten Prüfungsform an pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch; Formular kann beim Studiensekretariat bezogen werden.)
Bibliographie Students are informed at the beginning of the course which course books/learning materials are to be used for their level of learning.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Allgemeinbildung Niveau Naturwissenschaftliche BMS (B1)
Anschlusskurse English (Intermediate) 2
Bemerkungen The opportunity to prepare for the Cambridge English First (FCE) is provided in semester 3 (and 4).

A Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) course also takes place in the autumn semester, and an IELTS course in the spring semester.
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 53 38
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche darren.mace@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)


Course: English 1 (Upper Intermediate)
English 1 (Upper Intermediate)
Managed by
Darren Mace


Version: 3.0 start 01 August 2018
Status Pflichtkurs
*Typus C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
Geltende Rechtsordnungen RPO vom 29. Januar 2008, Studienordnung des Dept. N vom 15. Dez. 2009, Anhang für den Bachelorstudiengang Facility Management
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand  in Lektionen
Semester 1. Semester
Kontaktstudium 28
Begleitetes Selbststudium -
Autonomes Selbststudium 32
Total Workload 60
Dozierende, Referenten/Innen, Mitarbeitende Darren Mace and various lecturers from the English team
Zu erreichende Kompetenzen

The aim of the 4-semester course is to

  • develop participants’ academic and professional language competence to a level approximating to the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework B2+
  • foster language learning skills
  • enhance critical thinking skills
  • expand study-related vocabulary through a focus on specialised written and spoken texts.
At B2+ level students can do the following with ease:
  • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation
  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party
  • produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects
  • explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

The 4-semester English Upper-intermediate course includes

  • professional and academic writing (letters/emails, reports etc.) including job applications
  • presenting and defending arguments and ideas as well as summarizing texts in both written and spoken form
  • expanding vocabulary (including academic and subject-specific) to prepare students for future employment and/or study situations
  • reading and listening practice (audio and video) with a particular focus on popular science, topical and study-related issues
  • speaking practice (including frequent pair and group work) throughout the course in order to consolidate learning and enhance oral communication skills.
Unterrichtssprache English
Präsenzverpflichtung Certain lessons and/or tasks (designated by the teacher) are obligatory (testatpflichtige Übungen): if these lessons and/or tasks are not satisfactorily completed, the final overall grade for the course is a 1.00.
Leistungsnachweis Written exam at the end of the semester (abgesetzte schriftliche Modulprüfung, Gewichtung 100%)

Wenn bei einer Repetitionsprüfung 5 oder weniger Studierende teilnehmen, kann die Prüfungsform auf Antrag des/der Dozierenden abgeändert werden: d.h. anstatt einer schriftlichen kann eine mündliche Prüfung abgehalten werden. Dazu braucht es das schriftliche Einverständnis der Studierenden. (Bitte entsprechende Meldung der geänderten Prüfungsform an pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch; Formular kann beim Studiensekretariat bezogen werden.)
Bibliographie Students are informed at the beginning of the course which course books/learning materials are to be used for their level of learning.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Allgemeinbildung Niveau Naturwissenschaftliche BMS (B1+)
Anschlusskurse English (Upper-intermediate) 2
Bemerkungen The opportunity to prepare for the Cambridge English First (FCE) is provided in semester 3 (and 4).

A Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) course also takes place in the autumn semester, and an IELTS course in the spring semester.
Telefon Modulverantwortliche +41 (0)58 934 53 38
E-Mail Modulverantwortliche darren.mace@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module (Kerngebiet eines Studienprogrammes)
R Related course/module (Unterstützung des Kerngebiets mit Vermittlung von Vor- und Zusatzkenntnissen)
M Minor course/module (Wahl- oder Ergänzungskurs/-modul)


Course: On-the-job Communication and Presentation Skills
On-the-job Communication and Presentation Skills
Managed by
Stephan Küng


Version: 1.0 start 01 August 2016
Status Compulsory Course
*Type C Core course/module
Regulations applicable RPO, 29 January 2008, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Academic Regulations, 15 Dec. 2009, Annex for the Bachelor of Facility Management degree programme
Total workload in lessons
Semester 1. Semester
Lectures 28
Coached selfstudy 16
Autonomous selfstudy 16
Total workload 60
Stephan Küng
and others
Learning outcomes and competencies Main topics:

Culture and communication in organisations

Learning objectives:
  • Students are familiar with the features of culture and know what makes up a good communication culture in an organisation.
  • They know various forms of spoken and written communication in organisations and can use them.
  • Students can create correct text types for office communication.
  • They know the requirements for a "good" meeting and can apply them in exercises.

Learning objectives:
  • Students know the significance, the basic principles and the techniques and forms of presentation.
  • They can transfer these essentials to their own presentations and apply them.
  • They can use presentation criteria themselves and give their fellow students feedback.
Course content Introduction to the semester
Company communication / culture
  • Culture
  • Intercultural communication
  • Organisational culture
Office communication: spoken
  • Rituals
  • Informal communication
Office communication: written
  • Correspondence
  • Expressing oneself understandably 
  • Preparation, execution, reworking of a presentation
Language of instruction German
Expected attendance -
Assessment Written module exam (100%)

If 5 or fewer students take part in a repeat exam, the test can be modified at the request of the lecturers: ie, instead of a written, an oral examination will be held. This requires the written consent of the students. (Please notify the altered examination form to pruefungsadmin.lsfm@zhaw.ch; form can be obtained from the Admissions Office.)
Bibliography Lesson script
Entrance requirements -
Follow-up courses -
Comments Participation in the introduction week (or fulfilment of alternative assignments).
Telephone +41 (0)58 934 56 05
Email stephan.kueng@zhaw.ch

C Core course/module
R Related course/module
M Minor course/module